Muscles Flashcards
what is the innervation of the lateral crural muscles?
superficial peroneal nerve
what region of the spine doe the vastus intermedius originate from?
what muscles are on the dorsal of the foot?
extesnor hallucis brevis
extensor digitorum brevis
what are the actions of the sartorius?
flexes thigh
abdjucts thigh
laterally rotates thigh
what is action of abductor hallucis?
flexes and abducts great toe
what are the posterior crural muscles?
felxor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
tibilais posterior
In the femoral compartment, which muscles are respoinsible for extending the leg?
rectus femoris
Tensor fasciae latae
vastus intermedius
vastus lateralis
vastus medialis
Adductor magnus
What are the actions of the posterior thigh region?
flexes and extends legs
only long head of biceps femoris extends leg
what gets innervated by the deep peroneal nerve?
extensor digitorum brevis
extensor hallucis brevis
what muscles are responsible for plantar flexing ankle?
peroneus longus and brevis
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
tibialis posterior
3rd layer of sole of foot
adductor hallucis
flexor hallucis brevis
flexor digiti minimi brevis
what region of the spine deos the gastrocnemius and soleus arrise from?
S 1,2
what muscles does the obturator internus of the sacral plexus innervate?
gemellus superior
obturator internus
what is the action of the lumbricals?
flexes proximal phalanges and extends IP joints
what are the actions of the tensor fasciae latae?
abducts, flexes
medially rotates thigh
maintains extended leg
What muscles are innervated by femoral nerve?
rectus femoris
vastus intermedius
vastus lateralis
vastus medialis
what muscles are innervated by the obturator nerve?
all medial femoral muscles
Adductor brevis, longus, magnus, gracilis, pentineus
and obturator externus
What gets innervated by the lateral plantar nerve?
abductor digiti minimi
adductor hallucis
flexor digitorum accessorius
flexor digit minimi
interossei dorsal and plantar
lumbricals 2-4
what muscles are responsible for adducting the thigh?
Adductor brevis, longus, magnus
what are on the 1st layer of plantar muscles?
flexor digitorum brevis
abductor hallucis
abdcutor digiti minimi
In the anterior femoral compartment, which muscles are responsible for flexion of the thigh?
rectus femoris
tensor fasciae latae
adductor longus
(all on anterior except vastus muscles)
what is the innervation for all posterior crural muscles?
tibial nerve
4th layer of sole of foot
plantar interossei
dorsal interossei
what is the difference between extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus?
EDL: controls toes 2-5
EHL: controls great toe