Embryology Flashcards
where does the release oocyte go? where does the corpus luetum go?
fallopian tube; stays in uterus
what forms appendicular skeleton
somatic lateral plate mesoderm
Acipal Ectoderm Ridge
thickening of ectoderm on distal end of limb bud that induces proliferation and growth of limb
what forms intervertebral discs
mesenchymal cells dervied from notocord between cephalic and caudal
Phase 1 of fertilization
300-500 sperm pentrate corona radiata 1 sperm pentrates egg after coat on head degrades corona radiata.
Amniotic cavity
formed by epiblasts in week 2 (day 8). a cavity formed by epiblast and cytotrophoblasts.
what happens as corpus leutrum degenerates?
tapers off the release of estrogen and progesterone and endometrium lining soughs off (menstruation)
16-32 cell stage at day 4
ectopic pregnancy
blastocyst impacts in peritoneal cavity, mesentery, surface of ovary instead of uterine wall
derivative of somite gives rise to skeletal muscle
oropharyngeal membrane
tightly adhered region where mesoderm cannot intrude. Future mouth
nucleus in the oocyte that are haploids; one is from sperom and one is from oocyte. They fuse to form a diploid zyogte
dorsal neural crest cells
melanocytes - skin and hair follicles
sperm-oocyte membrane fusion
when cell membranes fuse and nucleus of sperm is injected into oocyte and triggers meiosis II
deriviative of somite. gives rise to vertebrate surround neural tube and noto cord
caudal neuropore
is caudal edge of neural tube folding. gives rise to spinal cord
what forms axons from spinal ganglion
ventral neural crest cells
what becomes mid-gut
sphlonachonpluere folding
what do cranial somites form
neurcranium or skull bone
primitive groove function
epiblast cells invaginate through primitive groove to form mesoderm and endoderm. Epiblast cells on top differentiate into ectoderm.
primitive pit purpose
epiblast cells invaginate to from notocord, which grows to oropharyngal membrane.
what trigger the LH release?
increase leveled of estrogen.
formation of three germ layers
formed by migration of epiblast cells through primitive streak
what do the rest of the somites form?
mytome or sclerotome, dermatome