Muscles Flashcards
Describe the basic structural and functional characteristics of the three types of muscle tissue.
Skeletal muscle - attached to bones, striated, mainly/some voluntary
Cardiac muscle - wall of the heart, striated, involuntary
Smooth muscle - walls of hollow structures, not striated, involuntary
What is the function of skeletal muscle?
Organized into striations, cells are surrounded by connective tissue coverings
What is the function of the cardiac muscle?
Filaments with each fiber are striated, individual fibers connected by intercalated discs, they may contain gap junctions that allow action potentials to be transmitted from one cell to another - aids in coordinated of the heart’s pumping action
What is the function of the smooth muscle?
Filaments within each muscle fibre are striated = greater ability to shorten/stretch, occasionally small channels between individual muscle fibers that allow action potential to be transmitted between cells
What relation to muscles do the following words have: origin, belly, action, innervation?
Origin - the attachment does not move - proximal attachment
Intersection - the attachment that moves - distal attachment
Belly - the “fleshy” portion of the muscle in the middle
Action - movement(s) that occur when the muscle contracts
Innervation - the motor nerve supply to the muscle
Define the common terms used in muscle names that describe direction.
Rectus - parallel to midline
Transverse - perpendicular to midline
Oblique - diagonal to midline
Define the common terms used in muscle names that describe size.
Maximus - largest
Minimus - smallest
Longus - long
Brevis - short
Latissimus - longest
Magnus - large
Major - larger
Minor - smaller
Vastus - huge
Define the common terms used in muscle names that describe shape.
Deltoid - triangular
Trapezius - trapezoid
Serratus - saw-toothed
Rhomboid - diamond-shaped
Orbicularis - circular
Pectinate - comblike
Piriformis - pear-shaped
Platys - flat
Quadratus - squared/four-sided
Gracilis - slender
Define the common terms used in muscle names that describe action.
Flexor - decreases joint angle
Extensor - increases joint angle
Abductor - moves bone away from midline
Adductor - moves bone closer to midline
Levator - raises or elevates body part
Depressor - lowers or depresses a body part
Supinator - turns palms anteriorly
Pronator - turns palms posteriorly
Sphincter - decreases the size of the opening
Tensor - makes a body part rigid
Rotator - rotates bone around longitudinal axis
Define the common terms used in muscle names that describe number of origins.
Biceps - two origins
Triceps - three origins
Quadriceps - four origins
Give an example term used in muscle names that describe location.
Example: temporalis - muscle near temporal bone
Give an example terms used in muscle names that describe origin and insertion.
Example: sternocleidomastoid - originating on sternum and clavicle and inserting on mastoid process of temporal bone