Lower Limb Muscles Flashcards
Which muscles move the hip?
Gluteus Maximus - sacrum and ilium
Gluteus Medius - gluteal lines
Gluteus Minimus - gluteal lines
Tensor Fasciae Latae - iliac crest
Piriformis - sacrum
Obturator Internus - ischial pubic rami and obturator membrane
Obturator Externus - ischium and pubic rami
Quadratus Femoris - ischial tuberosity
Superior Gemellus - ischial spine
Inferior gemellus - ischial tuberosity
Iliopsoas - psoas major, bodies and TVPs of lumbar vertebrae, iliacus, iliac fossa
Sartorius - ASIS
Rectus Femoris - AIIS
Biceps Femoris - ischial tuberosity and linea aspera
Semimembranosus - ischial tuberosity
Semitendinosus - ischial tuberosity
Pectinus - ramus of pubis
Adductor Longus - ramus of pubis
Adductor Brevis - ramus of pubis
Adductor Magnus - ramus of pubis
Gracilis - ramus of pubis
Which muscles move the knee?
Iliopsoas - psoas major, bodies and TVPs of lumbar vertebrae, iliacus, iliac fossa
Sartorius - ASIS
Rectus Femoris - AIIS
Vastus Intermedius - femur
Vastus Medialis - linea aspera
Biceps Femoris - ischial tuberosity and linea aspera
Semimembranosus - ischial tuberosity
Semitendinosus - ischial tuberosity
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Gluteus Maximus.
O: posterior surface of the sacrum and ilium and posterior to the posterior gluteal line
I: gluteal tuberosity and iliotibial tract
A: extends hip and laterally rotates hip
I: inferior gluteal line
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Gluteus Medius.
O: between the posterior and anterior gluteal lines
I: lateral surface of the greater trochanter
A: abducts hip and medially rotates hip
I: superior gluteal nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Gluteus Minimus.
O: between the anterior and inferior gluteal line
I: lateral surface of the greater trochanter
A: abducts hip and medially rotates hip
I: superior gluteal nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Tensor Fasciae Latae.
O: anterior portion of the iliac crest
I: iliotibial tract
A: flexes hip, abducts hip and medially rotates hip
I: superior gluteal line
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Piriformis.
O: anterior sacrum
I: superior surface of the greater trochanter
A: laterally rotates hip
I: S1-S2 spinal nerves
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Obturator Internus.
O: deep (inner) surface of the ischial and pubic rami and obturator membrane
I: medial surface of the greater trochanter
A: laterally rotates hip
I: nerve obturator internus
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Obturator Externus.
O: superficial (outer) surface of the ischial and pubic rami and obturator membrane
I: medial surface of the greater trochanter
A: laterally rotates hip
I: obturator nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Quadratus Femoris.
O: ischial tuberosity
I: intertrochanteric crest
A: laterally rotates hip
I: nerve to quadratus
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Superior Gemellus.
O: ischial spine
I: medial surface of the greater trochanter
A: laterally rotates hip
I: nerve to obturator internus
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Inferior Gemellus.
O: ischial tuberosity
I: medial surface of the greater trochanter
A: laterally rotates hip
I: nerve to quadratus femoris
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Iliopsoas.
O: psoas major, bodies and TVPs of the lumbar vertebrae, iliacus, iliac fossa
I: lesser trochanter
A: flexes hip, laterally rotates hip
I: femoral nerve & L2-L3 spinal nerves
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Sartorius.
I: Pes anserinus
A: flexes hip, laterally rotates hip, abducts hip and flexes knee
I: femoral nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Rectus Femoris.
I: tibial tuberosity
A: flexes hip and extends knee
I: femoral nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Vastus Lateralis.
O: lateral edge of linea aspera
I: tibial tuberosity
A: extends knee
I: femoral nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Vastus Intermedius.
O: anterior surface of the body of the femur
I: tibial tuberosity
A: extends knee
I: femoral nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Vastus Medialis.
O: medial edge of the linea aspera
I: tibial tuberosity
A: extends knee
I: femoral nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Biceps Femoris.
O: long head - ischial tuberosity | short head - linea aspera
I: posterior surface of the lateral condyle of tibia and head of the fibula
A: extends hip and flexes knee
I: sciatic nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Semitendinosus.
O: ischial tuberosity
I: pes anserinus
A: extends hip and flexes knee
I: sciatica nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Semimembranosus.
O: ischial tuberosity
I: posterior surface of the medial condyle of the tibia
A: extends hip and flexes knee
I: sciatica nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Pectineus.
O: superior ramus of the pubis
I: posterior surface of the femur distal to the lesser trochanter
A: adducts and flexes hip
I: femoral nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Adductor Longus.
O: superior ramus of the pubis
I: distal portion of the linea aspera
A: adducts hip and flexes hip
I: obturator nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Adductor Magnus.
O: adductor - inferior ramus of the pubis | hamstring - ischial tuberosity
I: adductor - linea aspera | hamstring - adductor tubercle
A: both - adducts hip | adductor - flexes hip | hamstring - extends hip
I: adductor - obturator nerve | hamstring - sciatica nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Adductor Brevis.
O: inferior ramus of the pubis
I: proximal portion of the linea aspera
A: adducts the hip and flexes the hip
I: obturator nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Gracilis.
O: inferior ramus of the pubis
I: pes anserinus
A: adducts hip, flexes hip, medially rotates hip, and flexes knee
I: obturator nerve
Describe the names and locations of the muscles that move the foot and ankle.
Soleus - fibula and tibia
Plataris - femur
Tibialis Posterior - tibia and fibula
Tibialis Anterior - tibia
Flexor Digitorum Longus - tibia
Flexor Hallucis Longus - fibula
Extensor Digitorum Longus - fibula
Fibularis (peroneus) Tertius - fibula
Extensor Hallucis Longus - fibula
Fibularis (peroneus) Brevis - fibula
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus - fibula
Describe the names and locations of the muscles that move the toes.
Flexor Digitorum Longus - tibia
Flexor Hallucis Longus - fibula
Extensor Digitorum Longus - fibula
Extensor Hallucis Longus - fibula
What muscles are a part of the superior layer?
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Tensor Fasciae Latae
What muscles are a part of the deep layer?
Obturator Internus
Obturator Externus
Quadratus Femoris
Superior Gemellus
Inferior Gemellus
What muscles are a part of the anterior layer?
Rectus Femoris
Vastus Lateralis
Vastus Intermedius
Vastus Medialis
Biceps Femoris
Adductor Longus
Adductor Magnus
Adductor Brevis
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Soleus.
O: head of the fibula and proximal portion of the posterior tibia
I: posterior surface of the calcaneus
A: plantar flexes foot
I: tibial nerve
nDescribe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Plataris.
O: posterior surface of the lateral condyle of the femur
I: posterior surface of the calcaneus
A: flexes knee and plantar flexes foot
I: tibial nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Popliteus.
O: posterior surface of the lateral condyle of the femur
I: proximal portion of the posterior tibia
A: medially rotates leg
I: tibial nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Tibialis Posterior.
O: proximal portion of the posterior tibia and fibula
I: plantar surfaces of the tarsals and metatarsals II-IV
A: plantar flexes foot and inverts foot
I: tibial nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Flexor Digitorum.
O: medial portion of the posterior tibia
I: distal phalanges of digits II-V
A: plantar flexes foot, flexes MTP, PIP and DIP joints of digits II-V
I: tibial nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Flexor Hallucis Longus.
O: middle portion of the posterior fibula
I: distal phalanx of digit I
A: plantar flexes foot, flexes MTP and IP joints of digit I
I: tibial nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Tibialis Anterior.
O: anterior tibia
I: medial cuneiform and metatarsal I
A: dorsiflexes foot and inverts foot
I: deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Extensor Digitorum Longus.
O: proximal portion of anterior fibula
I: middle + distal phalanges of digits II-V
A: dorsiflexes foot and extends MTP, PIP, and DIP joints of digits II-V
I: deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Fibularis (peroneus) Tertius.
O: distal portion of the anterior fibular
I: base of metatarsal V
A: dorsiflexes foot and everts foot
I: deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Extensor Hallucis Longus.
O: middle portion of the anterior fibula
I: distal phalanx of digit I
A: dorsiflexes foot and extends MTP and IP joints of digit I
I: deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Fibularis (peroneus) Brevis.
O: distal portion of lateral fibula
I: base of metatarsal V
A: plantar flexes foot and everts foot
I: superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
Describe the origins (o), insertions (I), actions (a), and innervations (I) of the Fibularis (peroneus) Longus.
O: head and proximal portion of lateral fibula
I: medial cuneiform and metatarsal I
A: plantar flexes foot and everts foot
I: superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
Which muscles are part of the posterior compartment superficial layer?
Which muscles are part of the posterior compartment deep layer of the tibia/fibula?
Tibialis Posterior
Flexor Digitorum
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Which muscles are part of the anterior compartment on the tibia/fibula?
Tibialis Anterior
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Fibularis (peroneus) Tertius
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Which muscles are part of the lateral compartment of the fibula/tibia?
Fibularis (peroneus) Brevis
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus