Muscles Flashcards
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Masseter function - elevated mandible
originates - zygomatic arch
Inserts - mandibular angle
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Temporalis function - elevated and retracts mandible
originates - temporal fossa
inserts - coronoid process
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Sternocleidomastoid function - laterally rotates and flexes head, forced inhalation
originates - manubrium/sternal end of clavicle
inserts - mastoid
For each of the colors, answer the following: What muscle is this? What is its function?
Green - Buccinator - presses cheeks against teeth and lips (blows and sucks)
Yellow - Orbicularis oris - closes and protrudes lips (kissing)
Purple - Orbicularis oculi - closes eyes
Red - occipitofrontalis - raises eyebrows
What muscle is this? What is its function?
Platysma - depresses mandible
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Function - raise, rotate and retract the scapula
Origin - occipital bone, ligaments nuchae, spines of C7-T12
Insertion - acromion, spine of scapula, end of clavicle
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Muscle - Serratus anterior function - protract and hold scapula against chest wall
originates - ribs 1-8
inserts - anterior surface of vertebral border of scapula
What is each muscle and what are their functions?
- Rhombus minor - elevates and retracts scapula
- Rhombus major - elevates and retracts scapula
- Erector spinae - extend vertebral column
What are each of these muscles and what are their functions?
Purple - internal intercostal - depresses the ribs for exhaling
Yellow - external intercostal - elevates the ribs for inhaling
What is this muscle and what is its function?
Levatator ani
supports pelvic vicar, elevates and retracts the anus
What are each of these muscles and what are their functions?
- internal oblique - compresses abdominal; laterally flex and rotate vertebral column
- External oblique - compress abdomen, laterally flex and rotate vertebral column
- Rectus absominis - flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen
- Transverse abdominis - compresses abdomen
What are the yellow, green and purple structures?
Green - apeoneurosis of the external oblique
Yellow - Linea alba
Purple - inguinal ligament
What is the yellow structure?
thoracolumbar fascia
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate?
Biceps brachii
Flexes and supinates forearm, flexes arm
- short head: coracoid process
- long head - supraglenoid tubercle
inserts at common tendon on radial tuberosity
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Brachialis - flexes forearm
origin- front distal half of humerus (where deltoid inserts)
insertion - coronoid process of ulna and capsule of elbow joint
What is this muscle? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Brachoradialis - flexes forearm
origin - lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
insertion - styloid process of radius
What is this muscle? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Triceps brachii - extends forearm and arm
- lateral head - posterior humerus
- long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
- medial head - posterior, distal humerus
insertion - common tendon into olecranon process of ulna
What are these muscles? What are their functions?
Yellow - Extensor carpi radials longus - extends and abducts hand
Green - extensor carpi ulnaris - extends and adducts hand
Purple - extensor digitorum - extends phalanges
What muscle is this? What is its function?
Flexor carpi radialis
flexes and abducts hand
What muscle is this? What is its function?
Flexor carpi ulnaris
flexes and adducts hand
What muscle is this? What is its function?
palmaris longus
flexes hand
What is this muscle? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
deltoid - arm abduction
origin - arcomial end of clavicle, spine, and acromion of scapula (where trap inserts)
Insertion - deltoid tuberosity of humerus
What are the names of these structures?
- flexor retinaculum
2. extensor retinaculum
What is this muscle? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Latissimus dorsi - extends, adducts and medially rotates arm
origin - thoacolumbar fascia, spines of T7-L5, crest of sacrum and ilium
insertion - spirals around theres major to insert in floor of inter tubercular sulcus of humerus
What muscle is this and what is its function?
medially rotates arm
What is this muscle? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Pectoralis major - arm flexion, adduction and medially rotation
origin: clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6, and aponeurosis of external oblique muscle
insertion - greater tubercle of humerus
What are these muscles? What are their functions?
- Supraspinatus - arm abduction
- Infraspinatus - laterally rotates and adducts arm
- Teres minor - laterally rotates, extends and adducts arm
What muscle is this? What is its function? What is its origin and what is its insertion?
Gluteus maximus - extend and laterally rotates thigh
origin - posterior ilium, sacrum, coccyx
insertion - gluteal tuberosity and IT band
What muscle is this? What is its function? What is its origin and what is its insertion?
Gluteus Medius - abducts and medially rotates thigh
Origin - lateral surface of the ilium
Insertion - greater trochanter
What muscle is this? What are its functions? Where does it originate and where does it insert? What is is part of, and what other muscles contribute to this muscle group?
Biceps femoris - extends and laterally rotates thigh, flexes knee
origin: 2 due to being a biceps
- long heat: ischial tuberosity
- short head - lines aspera
Insertion: head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
part of the hamstrings - also includes semitendinosus and semimembranosus
What muscle is this? What are its functions? Where does it originate and where does it insert? What is is part of, and what other muscles contribute to this muscle group?
semimembranosus - extends and medially rotates thigh, flexes knee
origin - ischial tuberosity
insertion - medial condyle of tibia
this is part of the hamstrings - also includes biceps femoris and semitendinosus
What muscle is this? What are its functions? Where does it originate and where does it insert? What is is part of, and what other muscles contribute to this muscle group?
semitendinosus - extends and medially rotates thigh, flexes knee
origin - ischial tuberosity
insertion - proximal, medial surface of tibia
part of the hamstrings - also includes the hamstrings and the semimembranosus
What muscle is this? What are its functions? Where does it originate and where does it insert? What is is part of, and what other muscles contribute to this muscle group?
rectus femoris - extends leg, flexes thigh
origin - anterior inferior iliac spine
insertion - patella and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
part of quadriceps femoris - also incudes cactus intermedius, lateralis, medalis
What are the purple and yellow muscles? What are their functions? Where do they originate and where do they insert? What muscle group is it part of and what are the other muscles?
Purple - vastus medialis - extends knee/leg
origin - linea aspera, intertrochanteric line
insertion - patella and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
Yellow - vastus lateralis - extends knee/leg
origin - greater trochanter, lines aspera, intertrochanteriic line
insertion - patella and tibial tuberosity vita patellar ligament
both are part of the quadriceps femoris - also includes the rectus femoris and vastus intermedius
What are these muscles? What are their functions? Where do they originate and where do they insert? What muscle group are they part of?
A. rectus femoris - extend leg and flex thigh
origin - anterior inferior iliac spine
insertion - patella and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
B. vastus intermedius - extends leg/knee
origin - anterolateral surface of fetur
insertion - patella and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
part of the quadriceps femoris - also includes vastus lateralis and vastus medialis
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Gracialis - adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
origin - inferior ramus of pubis
inserts - just inferior to medial condyle of tibia
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Sartorius - flexes leg; flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thigh
origin - anterior superior iliac spine
insertion - medial condyle of tibia
What are these muscles? What are their functions?
yellow - adductor magnus - adducts and laterally rotates thigh
green - gracialis - adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
purple - sartorius - flexes leg; flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thigh
What are these structures?
Yellow - MUSCLE
Tensor fascia lata - flexes and abducts thigh
purple - LIGAMENT
iliotibial band
What is the yellow muscle? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Gastrocnemius - plantar flexes foot, flexes leg and knee
origin - by 2 heads from medial and lateral condyles of femur
insertion - calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
What is this muscle? What is its function?
Piriformis - laterally rotates and abducts thigh
What are these structures?
A. inguinal ligament
B. Fascia lata
C. Tensor fascia lata
What is the blue muscle? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Soleus - plantar flexes foot
origin - head and proximal shaft of fibula, superior tibia
insertion - calcaneus vis calcaneal tendon
What muscle is this? What is its function? Where does it originate and where does it insert?
Tibialis anterior - dorsiflexion and inversion of foot
origin - lateral condyle and proximal shaft of tibia
insertion - medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bone
What muscle is this? What is its function?
Peroneus (fibularis) longus - plantar flexion and eversion of foot
What muscle is this? What is its function?
Extensor digitorum longus - dorsiflexion of foot, extension of phalanges
What is this structure?
Calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
What are these structures?
Purple - Sarcolemma - plasma membrane of the muscle cell
Yellow - endomysium - dense irregular Ct that covers muscle fibers
What are these structures?
Yellow - myofibril - contracting units of muscle cells, made of sarcomeres
Green - motor neuron - AP goes down axon, releases AcH from synaptic end bulb, AcH travels through synaptic cleft to motor end plate
- In total, all called neuromuscular junction
What are all these structures and what are they made of?
green - I band - Actin (thin) only
yellow - A band - Overlapping Actin (thin) and myosin (thick)
pink - M line - region at the center of an H zone, holds myosin filaments together at center to sarcomere
blue - Z disc - narrow, plate shaped region made of dense material, separates sarcomeres from each other
H zone (not pictured) - narrow region in center of A band that only has myosin (thick)