Generally thin cutaneous muscles innervated by facial nerves
Facial expressions (mimetic muscle)
Most superficial m. Of the face
M. Platysma
Thin wide sheets of muscles that forms non cutaneous substance of cheek
Buccinator m. (Trumpeter’s muscle)
Action of the buccinator
Draws the cheek inward against the teeth
Most superficial m. Of the nasal bone and maxilla
M. Levator nasolabialis
Most superficial m. Of the nasal bone and maxilla
M. Levator nasolabialis
Action of M. Levator nasolabialis
Raises the upper lip
Lies deep in the platysma. Fibers run longitudinally around the opening of the mouth
M. Orbicularis oris
Action of M. Orbicularis oris
Drawing them together into shape of “o”
Also know as smilling muscle
Draws the angle of the mouth caudally & external ear cranially and ventrally
Zygomaticus or smiling muscle
subdivision of the ventral part of buccinator
M. Mentalis
Thin sheet of Muscle overlying temporal bone also
Draws the scutular Cartilage forward
Lies superficial to the occipital and parietal bones. To tense the nasofrontal fascia
M. Occipitalis
Lies superficial to the occipital and parietal bones. To tense the nasofrontal fascia
M. Occipitalis
Only muscle that open the jaw
m. Digastricus (biventer)
Muscles that closes the jaw
Surrounds the palpebral fissure
M. Orbicularis ocili
Draw the palpebral angles caudally
M. Retractor anguli oculi lateralis
Lift the superior eyelid
M. Levator anguli oculi medialis
Smooth muscle located in the infraorbital group
M. Orbitalis / mullers m.
Construction draw the entire tounge rostrals
Draw the tongue caudally
Lies transversely between rami of the mandible it’s construction lift the floor of the mouth
Call the most portion of the deep spincher of neck
Ventral articular muscle