Lesson 7 Thoracic Flashcards
It is made up of the bones of the limbs
Appendicular skeleton
It has no bony connection to the trunk
Thoracic limb
What is the attached muscle in thoracic limb?
What is the connected bony articulation by the pelvic girdle
Sacroiliac joint
What is the other term for thoracic limb?
Membrum thoracicum
Other term for shoulder girdle
Cingulum membri thoracici
Other term for clavicle
Where is the location of clavicle (collar bone)?
It is flat triangular bone or the shoulder blade
What is the distal end of the spine of the scapula?
Proximately articulate with the scapular forming the shoulder joint
Distally Articulate with the radius and ulna forming the elbow joint
It’s the sulcus between the greater and the lesser tubercle
Intertubercular groove
It Is immediately distal to the carpus
Each digit has ___ proximal and __ distal sesamoid bones
2 proximal
1 distal
A digit which not bearing weight
Lateral deviation of bones distal to carpus
Carpus valgus
It is the medial deviation of bones that is distal to carpus
Carpus varus
Its an abnormality with more than one digit at the same time
That os coxae is composed of four distinct bones and what are these?
Ilium, ischium, pubis and acetabular bones
It is a surgical removal of dew claw
this socket is a deep cotyloid cavity called
Its the largest and most cranial part of os coxae
Most caudal part of os coxae
Its thick caudal part of ischium providing attachment for caudal thigh muscle
Aka pin bone
Ischatic tuberosity
Smallest of the three pelvic bones
It’s the cavity articulating with the femoral head
It’s the large opening at the floor of os coxae
Obturator foramen
It’s a junction of right and left os coxae
Pelvic symphysis
It is considerable obstetric importance
Pelvic cavity
The lateral wall of the pelvic cavity is formed by the ____
Sacrotuberous ligaments
It’s the heaviest and the largest bone of the scales all system
It is large prominence lateral to the head of the femur
Greater trochanter
It is the prominence distal to the head of the femur
Lesser trochanter
The largest sesamoid bone in the body articulating with the patellar surface of the femur
It is found in the origin of the medial and lateral parts of the gastrocnemius in the dog only
It is an abnormal development of the hip joint in large dogs
Hip dysplasia
Two possible treatments in hip dysplasia
THR - total hip replacement
These are bones of true leg
Is the larger of two also palpable beneath the skin medially
Tibia (shin bone)
Other term of fibula
Calf bone
Space between tibia and fibula
Interosseous space