Muscle Injury Grading Flashcards
Grade 1
Minimal stretch of fibres
Grade 1 S+S
Mild P with activity, muscle guarding, local mild Jt motion Rx
No bruising or loss of function
Minimal P with motion, mild P with palpation
DOMS classified as Grade 1
Usually self-limiting unless there is repetitive trauma
Functional healing time- 2-7 days
Structural healing- 4-14
Grade 2
Moderate to severe tearing of fibres
Grade 2 S+S
Mod to severe P. guarding, loss of unction, bruising and oedema, dec ROM
Antalgic limp, muscle weakness
Mod to severe P with palpation
Significant loss of strength w muscle testing
Functional healing time- 1-10 weeks
Structural healing- 3-12+
Grade 3
Complete tearing
Full thickness
Grade 3 S+S
Severe P at time of injury, then minimal or no P after, significant guarding/bruising
Loss of function/strength
Palpable defect- balls under skin
Functional healing time- 10/52-6/12
Structural healing time- 12+ months
Principles for muscle healing- acute
Avoid aggravating activities
Inc protein, magnesium, calcium, water
Avoid re-injury- complete full rehab
Acute stage
Hematoma formation
SHARP- swelling, heat, a loss of function, redness + P
May not reach peak until 5-7 days post injury
Acute- dietary
Consider protein, vit A, vit C (neutrophil migration and lymphocyte transformation)
Acute- clinical objectives
Relieve P
Prevent further injury
Initiate vasoconstriction
Inc circulation
Maintain muscle tone
Reduce effects of ishcemia
Addres psychosocial
Principles of muscle healing- post acute
Begin P free ROM
Switch to heat for BF
ST mob and manipulation to improve ROM and reduce contracture (regular stretching)
Post acute repair/proliferation
Scar tissue formation
Synthesis and deposition of collagen- macrophages/phagocytes remove cell debris, erythrocyte and fibrin clot
Post acute repair/proliferation- dietary
Inc vit C- promotes type 1 collagen synthesis
Zinc, magnesium, calcium- portein synthesis
Post acute repair/proliferation- clinical objectives
Prevent early adhesions
Orient repair tissue along line of tension
Relieve P
Maintain normal muscle tone, ROM
Reduce oedema
Prevent transition to chronic (psychosocial)
Principles of muscle healing- remodelling phase
1/52- 12 months
Functional recovery
Proprioception improvement
Proper warm-up before activity
Address technique issues or biomechanical imbalances
Strengthening exercises
Stretch after for flexibility