Muscle Fibres Flashcards
What is another name for Slow Twitch Muscle Fibres?
Type 1
In which type of sports are Slow Twitch (type I) muscle fibres used?
Long distance events
What are the 5 characteristics of Slow Twitch (type 1) muscle fibres?
- Contract slowly
- Produce low amounts of force
- Can cope with prolonged activity
- Are slow to fatigue
- Have a high aerobic capacity
What type of muscles does long-distance running use?
Slow twitch
Which type of muscles contract slowly?
Slow twitch
Which type of muscles produce a low amount of force?
Slow twitch
Which type of muscles are slow to fatigue?
Slow twitch
Which type of muscles have high aerobic capacity?
Slow twitch
Why are slow twitch muscle fibres beneficial for endurance athletes?
They can cope with prolonged activity
What are the names of the two types of Fast Twitch Muscle Fibres?
Type 11a and type 11b
Which type of Muscle Fibres are used for moderate levels of intensity such as middle-distance running & swimming (400m, 800m and 1500m (1.5K) ) , racquet sports (particularly during rallies)?
Type 11a
Type IIa muscle fibres are used in which sports?
Moderate intensity events, such as 400m, 800m and 1500m
What are the 4 characteristics of Fast Twitch Muscle Fibres (type IIa)?
- Have the fastest contractions of the three muscle fibre types
- Produce the highest amounts of force
- Fatigue most quickly due to lactic acid build-up
- Produce explosive power
Which type of muscle fibres have a medium rate of contraction in comparison to the other two types?
Fast twitch type 11a
Which type of muscle fibres produce medium amounts of force?
Fast twitch type 11a