There are three types of muscles in the human body:
- Cardiac muscles – muscles of the heart. They are involuntary, meaning we have no control over them.
- Smooth muscles - muscles that are scattered around our body’s organs to allow their function.
They are involuntary too; we have no control over them. - Skeletal muscles – muscles that are bounded to our skeleton and allow its movement. These are voluntary muscles and we do have control over them
**These three types of muscles differ from each other by their microscopic anatomy (structure), location
in the body and the type of control we have over them (voluntary/involuntary).
Skeletal Muscles
Skeletal muscles are striated muscles with multinuclear cells under the control of the somatic nervous
system. This is the reason why we have voluntary control over them.
Types of skeletal muscles:
- Red muscles – made of thin fibres rich with myoglobin and mitochondria (so they can generate
power overtime) they are used for slow strong and strenuous construction. These are anaerobic
muscles. - White muscles – made of thick fibres which contain less myoglobin and mitochondria. They are
used for fast and short contractions. They get tired very soon, because they generate burst of
power for short times. Thus, losing their energy quickly. - Mixed – made of both white and red muscle. Their performance and usage is in between the two
other kinds.
Structure(From largest to smallest)
Muscle ← Fascicle ← myocyte (muscle fibre) ← myofibril ← myofilaments.
The basic unit of muscle tissue composed of repeating units of sarcomeres.
a contractile unit of a muscle composed of thick and thin filaments that interact with each other to allow contraction.
𝑍 line
divides the border of the contraction units.
𝑀 line (𝐻 zone)
The middle of a contraction unit.
Thick myosin filaments
made of protein myosin. It is a protein that has a gulf club shape withtwo heads containing two binding sites. One binding site for acting (to allow the contraction), whilethe second binding site is for the binding of 𝐴𝑇𝑃 (to get the energy required for contraction). They
are connected to the 𝑀 line.
Thin actin filaments
These filaments are arranged in a double helix, and have specific site for the
myosin heads to allow the bonding. They are connected to the 𝑍 lines.
Thin actin filaments are made out of three proteins:
- Actin – the protein that makes the filament itself. It is also the protein that binds with myosin to allow the contraction.
- Tropomyosin – covers the actin fibres to deny contraction. This happens when the muscle is relaxed.
- Troponin – bounded to tropomyosin. When the muscle needs to contract, troponin will tighten and change the shape of tropomyosin (using calcium ion), to expose the actin binding site and allow contraction.
Contraction Mechanism
Contraction occurs when a muscle fibre consisting thousands of sarcomeres is innervated, causing
filaments to slide against one another, thereby shortening and lengthening the muscle.
Initiation (Innervation) of Contraction Mechanism:
- Nervous system sends an action potential to contract the muscle via a motor neuron.
- The signal reaches the axon terminal and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released into the
synapse. - Acetylcholine binds to is receptor on the muscle, causing 𝐶𝑎+2 channels to open and an influx of
𝐶𝑎+2 allowing the muscle to contract.
Sarcomere Shortening and the Rule of 𝐶𝑎+2
- 𝐶𝑎+2 binds to troponin causing tropomyosin to shift and thereby exposing the myosin biding site on the actin filaments.
- Myosin heads bind to the exposed site on actin.
- Myosin then pulls on acting, drawing the thin actin filament to the centre of the sarcomere, and thereby shortening it.
- 𝐴𝑇𝑃 activity with the myosin heads provides the energy for the power stroke and results in the dissociation of myosin from actin’s binding sites (𝐴𝑇𝑃 hydrolysed into 𝐴𝐷𝑃 and 𝑃).
Process of Contraction Mechanism
- At rest, 𝐴𝑇𝑃 is hydrolysed to 𝐴𝐷𝑃 + 𝑃, which are attached to myosin head (the myosin head
angle is 90 degrees). - Once myosin binds to acting, 𝐴𝐷𝑃 + 𝑃 dissociates from the myosin head, and myosin undergoes
a power stroke, pulling the acting filaments and shortening the sarcomere ( the myosin head’s
angle is now 45 degrees). - The loss of 𝐴𝐷𝑃 + 𝑃 allows room for 𝐴𝑇𝑃 to bind to the myosin head, which causes myosin to
dissociate from actin (the head’s angle is now 180 degrees to the other side, to allow another
cycle of contraction continue the process) - These cycle are continuing till the muscle fully contracts.
- After the contraction is finished, the actin and myosin will go back to their place and the muscle
will relax (tropomyosin will cover the acting binding site to deny contraction).