Muscle Flashcards
Muscle Type: Agonist
Muscle Function: Prime mover
Chest Press - Pectoralis Major
Overhead Press - Deltoid
Row - Latissmius Dorsi
Squat - Gluteus Maximus, Quadriceps
Muscle Type: Synergist
Muscle Function: Assist prime mover
Chest Press - Anterior Deltoid, Triceps
Overhead press - Triceps
Row - Posterior deltoid, biceps
Squat - Hamstring
Muscle Type: Stablizer
Muscle Function:
Chest press - Rotator cuff
Overhead press - Rotator cuff
Row - Rotator cuff
Squat - Transverse abdominis
Muscle Type: Antagonist
Muscle Function: Oppose prime mover
Chest press - Posterior Deltoid
Overhead press - Latissmius Dorsi
Row - Pectoralis Major
Squat - Psoas
Isokinetic Muscle Action
When a muscle shortens at a constant speed over a full range of motion
BMI (Body Mass Index)
- 18.5 - 24.9 (Normal)
- 25 - 29.9 (Overweight)
- 30-34.9(Obese)
Kinetic Checkpoints
- Foot and Ankle
- Knee
- Lumbo- Pelvic- Hip complex
- Shoulders
- Head and Cervical
Davies Law
States that soft tissue models along the lines of stress
Percentage Intake
- Protein: 10-35%
- Carbs: 45-65%
- Fat: 20-35%
Fiber Intake
- 40 Grams of fiber for males,
- 30 Grams of fiber for females