Muscle Flashcards
What muscle types have a sliding filaments?
all 3
What muscle types have aligned filaments?
striated (cardiac and skeletal)
What muscle types have regulation by Ca2+?
all 3
What muscle types are multinucleated?
skeletal (cardiac MAY have 2)
What muscle types have gap junctions?
all cardiac and some smooth
What are the lengths of different muscle types?
- skeletal = 2-3 cm
- cardiac = 50-100 micrometers
- smooth = hundreds of micrometers
What are the diameters of different muscle types?
- skeletal = up to 100 microm
- cardiac = 5-15 micrometers
- smooth = 2-5 microm
What muscle types have an SR?
all skeletal and cardiac, some smooth
What muscle types have a T-system?
striated (card and skel)
What muscle types have troponin?
striated (card and skel)
What NTs do the different muscle types use?
- skel = ACh
- card = ACh and NE
- smooth = ACh, NE, NO, many peptides
What muscle types have motor units?
skel and some smooth
What ion are the APs dependent on?
skel = NaCh
- card = NaCh
- smooth = some Ca
What muscle types have pacemakers?
card and smooth
What are the different muscle types’ rate of tension development?
fast for skel and card and slow for smooth
what happens when muscle fibers get bigger?
new myofibrils are formed - the cross-sectional area of each cell is increased