Multiple Casualty Incident Manual Flashcards
An EMS task force consist of what units?
5 EMS Transport units
1 BC
1 EMS Sup
2 Suppression units
An EMS Task force provides the resources to manage incidents with approximately ____ patients.
MCI Alarm assignments provide the resources to manage incidents with approximately _____ patients.
A MCI Alarm assignment consists of what units?
10 EMS transport units
10 Suppression units
1 BC
3 EMS Sup
1 Mobile Command Unit
1 Green (Civilian) Transport Bus
1 Medical Care Support Unit (MCSU)
1 Medical Ambulance Bus (MAB)
2nd and subsequent MCI alarms assignments consists of what units?
10 EMS Transport Units
5 Suppression Units
1 Medical Care Support Unit (MCSU)
1 Medical Ambulance Bus (MAB)
1 Green (Civilian) Transport Bus
2nd and subsequent MCI alarms provide the resources to supplement the initial MCI Alarm and is designed to manage approximately ______ additional patients.
The first arriving unit on the original incident is to initiate the Five S’s and shall establish command. The Five S’s are what?
Identify IDLH/high-threat situations and warn incoming units of hazards
Determine the need for additional resources based on the type of incident. Approximate number and severity of victims.
- Transmit a situation report
- Request the appropriate alarm
- Activate the Regional Healthcare Coordination Center (RHCC)
- Announce which Patient Tracking Event will be used
RHCC stands for what?
Regional Healthcare Coordination Center
- Identify a staging area
- Identify and announce scene access and egress
Initiate triage
The Incident Commander (IC) on a MCI shall ensure dedicated MCI tactical channels for who?
- EMS Branch
- Transportation Group
- Medical Group
If not assigned by the IC who shall assume the role of Staging Manager?
1st suppression unit officer
During an MCI Alarm response what arriving suppression units are designated to report to staging?
8th, 9th, 10th arriving suppression units
The EMS Branch Director reports to the Operations Section Chief or the IC and is established by who?
First arriving BC on the initial MCI alarm
What group is responsible for tracking patient transportation?
Transportation Group
What resources are assigned to the Transportation Group?
1st arriving transport unit
1st arriving EMS Sup
2nd & 7th arriving Suppression units
The Transportation Group Supervisor will be assumed by the first arriving EMS Supervisor but it will initially be established by who?
1st arriving Transport Unit Officer/AIC
RHCC will provide bed availability for the _____ hospitals and _____ trauma centers closest to the incident.
5 ; 2
The Transport Recorder is established by who?
The driver-operator of the first arriving transport unit
The ambulance coordinator is established by who?
OIC of the second arriving suppression unit
Transport Loaders report to the Ambulance Coordinator and are personnel from where?
Personnel from 2nd & 7th arriving suppression units
Medical Group Supervisor will be established by who?
2nd arriving EMS Supervisor on the initial MCI alarm
Resources assigned to the Triage Unit on the initial MCI Alarm are
1st & 5th arriving suppression units
The Triage Unit Leader is established by who?
OIC of 1st arriving suppression unit
Triage crews are most efficient when comprised of how many people?
2 or 3
Who is responsible for the location, set-up, and operation of the treatment areas?
Treatment Unit Leader
Resources assigned to the Treatment Unit on the initial MCI Alarm are who?
4th & 6th arriving suppression units
The Treatment Unit Leader is initially established by who?
OIC of the 4th arriving suppression unit
The Treatment Unit Leader will be assumed from the OIC by who?
3rd arriving EMS Supervisor
1st Suppression unit will be
Triage Unit Leader
2nd Suppression unit will be
Ambulance Coordinator
3rd Suppression unit will
Report to triage (Porters or triage crew)
4th Suppression unit will be
Treatment Unit Leader
5th Suppression unit will
Report to triage (Porters or triage crew)
6th Suppression unit will
Report to Treatment
7th Suppression unit will
Report to Ambulance Coordinator (loaders)
8th - 10th Suppression units will
Report to staging, establish if not done already.
1st EMS Transport Unit will
Establish Transportation Group
Remaining Transport Units will
Report to transportation corridor or staging as directed by Transportation Group Supervisor
1st EMS Supervisor will
Assume Transportation Group Supervisor
2nd EMS Supervisor will
Establish Medical Group Supervisor
3rd EMS Supervisor will
Assume treatment Unit Leader
1st BC
Establish EMS Branch
A Medical Care Support Unit (MCSU) Level 1+ is capable of treating how many patients?
A Medical Care Support Unit (MCSU) Level 1 is capable of treating how many patients
A Medical Care Support Unit (MCSU) Level 2 is capable of treating how many patients
A Medical Care Support Unit (MCSU) Level 3 is capable of treating how many patients
Is a system designed to reunite families after events and is connected to the Patient Tracking System
2-1-1 Virginia
To contact RHCC you would use what Radio Talk Group?
Fairfax Zone 14 Channel 1 (49A RHCC4), Channel 16 (49P RHCC6)