MT Topic 3: The Good Life Flashcards
“science must be guided by some ethical basis that is not dictated by science itself.”
Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics
fundamental basis of Aristotelian Ethics
Nichomachean Ethics
Who wrote Nichomachean Ethics?
How many books are in Nichomachean Ethics?
Who wrote Aristotelian Ethics
A treatise on nature of moral life and human happiness based on the unique essence of human nature
Nichomachean Ethics
useful in defining what is the good life
Nichomachean Ethics
everyone has a definition of what good is…
Nichomachean Ethics
What then is the ultimate good?
- Pleasure
- Wealth
- Fame and Honor
everyone aims to achieve that which is good
Nichomachean Ethics
all human activities aim at some good
Nichomachean Ethics
Every art and human inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reasom, the good has been rightly declared as that at which all things aim
Nichomachean Ethics 2:2
good as a means to achieve something else
Instrumental good
good in itself, something worthwhile not because it leads to something else
Intrinsic good
_______ is better than the instrumental good
Ultimate good
ultimate good
happiness is living well and doing well
Nichomachean Ethics 1:4
Greeks call happiness as
means happiness and welfare; human flourishing and welfare
other translation for eudaimonia
human flourishing or prosperity
2 Hallmarks of Eudaimonia
- Virtue
- Excellence
transcends all aspects of life for it is about living well and doing well in whatever one does