MSK and Skin- First Aid Flashcards
Causes of Erb’s Palsy
Traction or tear of the upper trunk (C5,6) caused by trauma causing excessive separation of the neck and shoulder or during childbirth when the head of the neonate is pulled while the shoulder is stuck in the birth canal
Effect of Erb’s Palsy
Nerves damaged (muscle receiving innervation): Musculocutaneous (biceps brachii), Axillary (deltoid), Suprascapular (supra/infraspinatus)
Loss of arm flexion, abduction, lateral rotation–> waiter’s tip
Anesthesia in the lateral arm, fore-arm, and hand
Causes of Klumpke’s Palsy
Traction or tear of the lower trunk (C8,T1) caused by grasping on something to prevent a fall or pulling on the neonate’s shoulder during childbirth or compression of the plexus between cervical and 1st rib in thoracic outlet syndrome
Effect of Klumpke’s Palsy
Nerves damaged (muscles receiving innervation) Median and Ulnar (lumbricals and interossei) Lumbricals extend the PIP and DIP joints and help the interossei flex the MCP joints--> complete loss of these muscles reverses everything--> Klumpke's total claw hand
Causes of proximal lesions of the median nerve
Fractures of the supracondylar humerus
Causes of distal lesions of the median nerve
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome- swelling of the flexor tendons and their synovial sheaths that run in the tunnel
Effects of proximal lesions of the median nerve
Finding (muscles damaged)
Ape hand (loss of opponens pollicis, a thenar intrinsic hand muscle)
Pope’s blessing where lateral fingers can’t be flexed (loss of flexor digitorum superficialis and part of flexor digitorum profundus)
Loss of sensation in the entire palmar surface of the lateral fingers and the distal part of the dorsal surface
Effects of distal lesions of the median nerve
Finding (muscles damaged) Ape hand (loss of opponens pollicis, a thenar intrinsic hand muscle) Claw hand of digits 2,3 (intact FDS and FDP pull the DIP and PIP joints into flexion while extensors pull MCP into extension because 1st and 2nd lumbricals are paralyzed)
Causes of proximal lesions of the ulnar nerve
Medial epicondylar fracture
Compresson in the ulnar groove or between the two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris (cubital tunnel syndrome)
Causes of distal lesions of the ulnar nerve
Compression in the tunnel of Guyon
Fracture of the hook of the hamate
Effects of proximal lesions of the ulnar nerve
Finding (muscle damaged)
Loss of finger abduction and adduction along with atrophy of the 1st intermetacarpal space (dorsal and palmar interosseous)
Wrist flexion is weak and deviates radially (loss of flexor carpi ulnaris)
Effects of distal lesions of the ulnar nerve
Finding (muscle damaged)
Ulnar claw hand (loss of 3rd and 4th lumbricals + interossei while FDP/FDS/extensors are intact)
Loss of sensation of the palmar and dorsal side of the medial fingers
Causes of radial nerve injury
Saturday night palsy
Poorly fitting crutches
Fractures of the humeral shaft
Effect of radial nerve injury
Finding (muscle damaged)
Wrist drop with inability to extend MCP joints (wrist and finger extensors)
Anesthesia over the proximal part of the dorsal hand
Causes of axillary nerve injury
Fractures of the surgical humeral neck
Dislocations of the shoulder joint