MSK #2- Concave convex rule applicaion Flashcards
- Function/ movement
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule
Function: Flexion / extension
Moving comp: Distal phalanx
Relationship: concave on convex

Metacarpal-phalangeal wrist:
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: abduction/adduction, flexion/extension
Moving comp:
- Abd/Add- proximal phalanx concave on convex
Flex/ext- capitate, scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium - convex on concave
- trapezoid- concave on convex
- Distal
- Proximal

Function: pronation/supination (both)
Moving component of articulation: Radius (both)
Relationship (distal) - concave on convex
(proximal)- convex on concave
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: flexion/extension
Moving comp: radius
Relationship: Concave on convex
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: Flexion/extension
Moving comp: Unla
Relationship: concave on convex
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: All movements
Moving comp: Humerus
relationship: convex on concave
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

- Elevation/depression- clavicle- convex on concave
- Protraction/retraction- clavicle - concave on convex
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: all movements
Moving comp: scapula
Relationship: Concave on convex
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule
Function: Flexion/extension
Moving comp: Distal phalanx
Relationship: concave on convex
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule
Function: Abd/Add
Moving comp: Proximal phalanx
Relationship: Concave on convex
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function #1: all movements
Moving comp: navicular, cuneiform
Relationship: concave on convex
Function #2: Inversion/eversion
Moving component: Cubois, calcaneous
Relationship: convex on concave
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: Dorsal/plantarflexion
Moving comp: Talus
Relationship: convex on concave
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: All movements
Moving comp: Fibular head
Relationship: concave on convex
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: All movements
Moving comp: Tibia
Relationship: Concave on convex
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: All movements
Moving component: Femur
Relationship: Convex on concave
- Function,
- Moving component of articulation
- Relationship of concave convex rule

Function: All movements
Moving component: Mandible
Relationship: Concex on concave
Joints with concave on convex articulatons (13)
- Fingers
- Metacarpal-phalangeal
- Wrist- Trapezoid (flex/ext)
- Radioulnar distal (pronation/supination)
- Humeroradial (flex/ext)
- Sterno-clavicular (protraction retraction)
- Acromioclavicular (all movements)
- Toes (flex/ext)
- Matatarsal-phalangeal (abduction/adduction)
- Ankle/foot- subtalar (all movements)
- Talofibular (all movements)
- Knee (all movements)
Joints with convex on concave articulations (7)
- Wrist - capitate, scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium (flex/ext)
- Radioulnar- proximal (pronation/supination)
- Glenohumeral (all movements)
- Sternoclavicular- (elevation/depression)
- Ankle/foot subtalar (inversion/eversion)
- Ankle/foot talocrural (dorsal/plantarfleion)
- Hip (all movements)