MS2 - Pelvis Periosteum Flashcards
At STL in Bone Row -
Periosteum (A/P) - Can Bias
Cervical btwn mid-frontal ridge and coronal suture
Scar 30 degree P/A
Over inf-lat aspect zygomatic process of maxilla (med to zygomaticomaxillary suture)
App inf to sup
MAXL - Periosteum LQ
Glide: Ipsi maxilla (via frontal process) in sup, contra, and slightly ant
Sacral Flexion Periosteal Dysfunction
TP: On dorsal surface of S3 spinous process
App post to ant
TX: Client prone, supine or side-lying
Glide: Drag upper sacrum (sacral base) using ant-inf scooping motion
Sacral Extension Periosteal Dysfunction
TP: On dorsal surface of S4 spinous process
App post to ant
TX: Client prone, supine, or side lying
Glide: Drag lower sacrum (sacral apex) ant-sup scooping motion
Forward Sacral Torsion Periosteal Dysfunction
TP: On dorsal, inf sacrum 1 cm diagonally sup-med to inf lat angle of the sacrum (bilaterally)
App post to ant
TX: Client prone or seated
Glide: Palm on OPP side sacral base adjacent to PSIS ant, then diagonally inf twd, utilizing a “scooping” motion. Fine tune with sacral SB
Backward Sacral Torsion Periosteal Dysfunction
TP: On dorsal, sup sacrum 1 cm med to inf aspect of PSIS (bilaterally)
App post to ant
TX: Client prone or seated
Glide: Palm on OPP inf lat angle (of sacrum) ant, then diagonally sup twd utilizing a “scooping” motion. Fine tune with sacral SB
Superior Sacral Shear Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, lat border of lower sacrum (ILA)
App post-lat to ant-med
TX: Client prone, supine, or side-lying
Hip ABD: Ipsi leg, mild, causing glute to flatten
Glide: Sacrum on involved side sup and med direction utilizing a rot movement (e.g. CW for the left SSS(P)). Allow sacrum on involved side to move in an ant direction
Inferior Sacral Shear Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, inf-med border of lower sacrum / ILA (1 cm lat to coccyx)
App post-inf to ant-sup
TX: Client prone, supine, or side-lying
Hip ADD: Ipsi leg, mild, causing glute to pop up
Glide: Sacrum on involved side inf and med direction utilizing a rot movement (e.g. CW for the right ISS(P) TP). Allow sacrum to move post
Right Deviated Coccygeal Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal aspect of 1st coccygeal segment
App post to ant
TX: Client prone or seated
Glide: Coccyx into right deviation (exaggerate deformity) while fine tuning with rot into direction of ease
Left Deviated Coccygeal Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal aspect of 2nd coccygeal segment
App post to ant
TX: Client prone or seated
Glide: Coccyx into left deviation (exaggerate deformity) while fine tuning with rot into direction of ease
Ilium Outflare Dysfunction
TP: On med pubic bone at, or slightly below, level of sup aspect of pubic symphysis (med sup margin of Obturator Foramen)
TX: Client supine
Glide: Lat aspect of iliac crest lat and slightly sup direction. Takes 10-15#s of pressure
Ischial Outflare Dysfunction
TP#1: Over lat, sup aspect of ischial tuberosity
App lat to med
TP#2: Over inf-med aspect of ASIS
App inf-med to sup-lat
TX: Client supine
Hip Flex, ABD: Marked
Femoral Traction: In plane of femur (lat)
Ischial Inflare Dysfunction
TP#1: Over lat, inf aspect of ischial tuberosity
App lat to med
TP#2: Over lesser trochanter of femur (directly lat and 1F inf to inf aspect of pubis)
App med to lat deep in sup-med thigh
TX: Client supine, involved knee flex, foot resting on table
Hip: Flex mild to mod, ADD mod
Femur: Traction, med and inf in plane of ADD
Ischial Tuberosity Adducted
TP: Over musculotendinous junction of Gluteus Medius mm (med and 1F sup to post aspect of Greater Trochanter)
TX: Client prone or side-lying
Glide/ADD: Ischial Tuberosity ant-med sup direction twd OPP ASIS (post innominate rot)
Ischial Tuberosity Abducted
TP: Over musculotendinous junction of Gluteus Minimus mm (med and 1F sup to ant aspect of Greater Trochanter)
TX: Client prone or side-lying
Glide/ ABD: Ischial Tuberosity post and sup-lat direction (ant Innominate rot)