MS2 - Elevated and Depressed Rib Periosteum Flashcards
At STL in Bone Row -
Periosteum (A/P) - Can Bias
Cervical btwn mid-frontal ridge and coronal suture
Scar 30 degree P/A
C1F - Ipsi Spinal / Rib Periosteum
TP: Over post med arch of C1
App post to ant
Cervical: Flex, marked to level, SB twd, Rot Twd, mild to mod, compress inf and contra
Rib 1 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over ant, sup aspect of Coracoid process
App ant to post
TP#2: Monitor EJUG-LV (located in small depression on post occiput)
TX: Cervical rot twd
Shoulder ABD: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Shoulder Traction: Lat and post
Rib 2 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angle
App sup to inf
TP Alt. R2-7s(P): Over dorsal med border of scapula, use for monitoring
TP#2: Monitor CUB-LV on ant med aspect of distal humerus on med articular surface
TX: Cervical rot
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 3 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP Alt. R2-7s(P): Over dorsal med border of scapula, use for monitoring
TP#2: Monitor MPALM-LV over palmer aspect of triquentrum (lat / post to Pisiform bone)
TX: Cervical rot twd
Shoulder ABD: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 4 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP Alt. R2-7s(P): Over dorsal med border of scapula, use for monitoring
TP#2: Monitor BRA-LV over post-lat aspect of radius just distal to radial head
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 5 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP Alt. R2-7s(P): Over dorsal med border of scapula, use for monitoring
TP#2: Monitor LPALM-LV over palmer aspect of trapezium
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 6 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP Alt. R2-7s(P): Over dorsal med border of scapula, use for monitoring
TP#2: Monitor UGI-LV over lat aspect of 6th rib in post axillary line
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 7 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP Alt. R2-7s(P): Over dorsal med border of scapula, use for monitoring
TP#2: Monitor MSUR-LV over inf-lat aspect of med femoral condyle
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 8 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP#2: Monitor LSUR-LV over inf-med aspect of lat femoral condyle
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 9 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP#2: Monitor SAPH-LV in dist med hamstring, 3-4 cm above sup aspect of med femoral condyle
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 10 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP#2: Monitor PSOAS-LV over prox iliopsoas / bursa (under distal iliopsoas mm, just med to upper fibers of TFL and below inguinal ligament)
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Rib 11 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles
App sup to inf
TP#2: Monitor LPL-LV over dorsal lat aspect of cuboid bone
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Ribs 12 Elevated / External Torsion Rib Dysfunction
TP#1: Over sup aspect of corresponding rib angles.
App sup to inf
TP#2: Monitor MPL-LV over plantar aspect of Med Cuneiform bone
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder Abd: 70-100 degrees or resting on therapist’s shoulder
Trunk: Trans, elev and rot twd, mod
Depressed Rib 1 Dysfunction
TP#1: Over ant, inf aspect of Coracoid process
App ant to post
TP#2: Monitor DTEM-A over med aspect of Semispinalis Capitis insert to occiput
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and translation away (at level of dysfunction)
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 2 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor THAC-A on post aspect of distal clavicle
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away (at level of dysfunction)
Glide: Rib ant, inf and med glide of involved rib utilizing inv upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 3 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor LTHOR-A over inf aspect of clavicle at mid-clavicle
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away (to level of dysfunction)
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 4 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor DS-A over lat aspect of origin of Levator Scapulae muscle to sup angle of scapula
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away (at level of dysfunction)
Glide: Rib ant, inf and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 5 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor BRBI-A in mid-belly Biceps Brachii mm
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away (to level of dysfunction)
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 6 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor DBR-A in prox, med triceps mm (post aspect of humerus)
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away (to level of dysfunction)
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 7 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor FIB-A over lat soleus mm, inf to lat gastrocnemius belly
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away (to level of dysfunction)
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 8 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approximately 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor PTIB-A over med soleus mm, inf to belly of med gastrocnemius
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away (at level of dysfunction)
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 9 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor ATIB -A in belly of Tibialis Anterior mm, at mid-tibia level; over ant, inf aspect of fibular head
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 10 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor LSUR-A over lat head of Gastrocnemius mm
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 11 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approx 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point.
TP#3: Monitor MSUR-A over med head of Gastrocnemius mm
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib
Depressed Rib 12 Dysfunction
TP#1: On inf aspect of corresponding rib angles, approximately 3F lat to rib tubercles
App inf to sup
TP#2: Over post aspect of corresponding rib tubercles
App post to ant, use as monitoring point
TP#3: Monitor DLFC-A in distal 1/4 of Vastus Lateralis mm just ant to ITB.
TX: Therapist seated beside client (arm under client’s axilla) or supine. Thoracic rot and trans away
Glide: Rib ant, inf, and med glide of involved rib utilizing involved upper extremity or rib