MS2 - Leg Periosteum Flashcards
At STL in Bone Row -
Periosteum (A/P) - Can Bias
Cervical btwn mid-frontal ridge and coronal suture
Scar 30 degree P/A
Over lat aspect zygomatic process of maxilla (med to zygomaticomaxillary suture)
App inf to sup
MAXL - Periosteum LQ
Glide: Ipsi Maxilla (via Frontal Process) sup, contra, slightly ant away
Femoral Neck Compression Dysfunction
TP#1: Over lat aspect of mid ischiopubic ramus
TP#2: Distal fibers of Ipsi Rectus Abdominus, approx 2F above pubic bone
TX: Client supine in figure 4 position
Hip Flexion, ABD, and ER: Mod
Compression: Of Greater Trochanter sup-med along femoral neck axis
Femoral Neck Distraction Dysfunction
TP: Over ant aspect of prox femur, 2F med to ant-sup aspect of Greater Trochanter (under Tensor Fascia Lata)
TX: Client lying partially on OPP hip in figure 4 position
Distraction: Of prox / mid femur in plane of femoral neck
Femoral Varus Dysfunction
TP: Deep to med Sartorius tendon (lat to AIIS), probe deeply post and med to tendon to identify
TX: Client supine
Hip ADD: Mild
Hip Flexion: Mod (typically 80-90 degrees)
Hip ER: Marked
Femoral Compression: Long axis, through femur / knee, mod, post-lat
Femoral Valgus Dysfunction
TP: Deep to lat aspect of Sartorius tendon (lat to AIIS), probe deeply lat to tendon, in a post med direction to identify
TX: Client supine
Hip ABD, Flex and ER: Mod
Femoral Traction: Mod, in plane of femur
Femoral Flexion Dysfunction
TP: Over ant-lat border of prox femur, 2F inf to Greater Trochanter
TX: Client supine, knee flexed resting on table
Hip Flexion: Mod
Knee Flexion: Marked
Femoral Flexion Stress: Via deep post-med to ant-lat pressure (apply pressure on involved 1/2 of femur)
Femoral Extension Dysfunction
TP: Over post-lat border of prox femur, 2F inf to Greater Trochanter
TX: Client supine, calf resting on therapist’s knee
Knee: Ext / hyperext
Femoral Ext Stress: Via deep ant-med to post-lat pressure
Tibia, Medial Plateau Dysfunction TIBPM(P)-MS
TP: Deep in Popliteal Fossa on base / ant most aspect of Lat Femoral Condyle
App post-med to ant-lat
TX: Client supine, ankle resting and braced on table
Knee: Flex mild to mod, Valgus marked
Knee IR / ER: Mildly to fine tune
Tibia, Lateral Plateau Dysfunction
TP: Deep in Popliteal Fossa on base / ant most aspect of Med Femoral Condyle
App post-lat to ant-med
TX: Client supine, ankle resting and braced on table
Knee: Flex mild to mod, Varus marked
Knee IR / ER: Mildly to fine tune
Patello-Femoral Inflare Dysfunction
TP: Over sup-med and sup-lat aspects of trochlear groove
App ant to post
TX: Client supine. Therapist grasps corresponding med / lat femoral condyle from behind knee
Compression: Of med / lat epicondyles (twd center) to narrow femoral notch
Patellar Flexion Dysfunction
TP: On both med and lat aspect of inf patella (post surface)
App post to ant
TX: Client supine or seated with knee ext
Compression / Post Glide: Of lat edges of patella in inf-lat direction (utilizing pincer grip)
Patellar Extension Dysfunction
TP: On both med and lat aspect of sup patella (post surface)
App post to ant
TX: Client supine or seated with knee ext
Distraction / Ant Glide: Sup-lat aspect of patella bilaterally (utilizing pincer grip)
Fibular Internal Torsion Dysfunction
TP: Over ant-med aspect of distal fibula in distal tibiofibular joint line
App med to lat
DTX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps ankle at talus/mid foot
Hip IR: Marked
Fibular IR: Of foot / fibula. Fine tune with ankle DF / PF
Fibular External Torsion Dysfunction
TP: Over post-med aspect of distal fibula in distal tibiofibular joint line
App med to lat
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps ankle at talus / mid foot
Hip ER: Marked
Fibular ER: Of foot / fibula. Fine tune with ankle DF / PF
Fibular Flexion Dysfunction
TP: Over sup 1/3 of ant-lat aspect of fibula
App ant-lat to post-med
TX: Client supine or seated
Knee: Flex
Ankle Plantar Flex: Active or passive, marked
Glide: Mid-fibula in ant-lat and sup direction
Fibular Extension Dysfunction
TP: Over sup 1/3 of post-lat aspect of fibula
App post-lat to ant-med
TX: Client supine or seated
Glide: Mid-fibula in post-lat and inf direction
Tibial Internal Torsion Dysfunction
TP: Over post-lat aspect of dist tibia in dist tibiofibular joint line
App lat to med
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps ankle at talus/mid foot
Hip IR: Marked
Tibial IR: Of foot/ tibia, fine tune with ankle DF / PF
Tibial External Torsion Dysfunction
TP: Over ant-lat aspect of dist tibia in dist tibiofibular joint line
App lat to med
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps ankle at talus/mid foot
Hip ER: Marked
Tibial ER: Of foot / tibia. Fine tune with ankle DF / PF
Varus Deformity of the Tibia
TP: Over ant-sup aspect of Medial Malleolus of Tibia
App med to lat
TX: Client supine with med tibia resting on edge of table
Varus Stress: Applied to tibia through ankle
IR: Of ankle on tibia, mildly
Valgus Deformity of the Tibia
TP: Over post-sup aspect of Medial Malleolus of Tibia
App med to lat
TX: Client supine, leg resting on therapist’s knee
Valgus Stress: Applied to tibia through ankle
ER: Of ankle on tibia, mildly
Flexed Tibia Periosteal Dysfunction
TP: In post, sup belly of Tibialis Posterior mm. located in sup calf btwn prox tibia and fibula (below level of Tibial Tuberosity)
App post to ant
TX: Client supine with knee flexed, foot resting on table
Glide: Tibia ant and lat
Extended Tibia Periosteal Dysfunction
TP#1: Over ant-med aspect of distal tibia
App ant to post
TP#2: Over post-inf Soleus / tibia level of musculotendinous junction of Soleus mm (1-2 cm prox to Achilles tendon)
App post to ant
TX: Client supine with ankle resting on a towel roll or operator’s heel
Glide: Tibia in a post and lat direction
Talar Inversion Dysfunction
TP: Over ant, inf-med end of distal tibia
App inf to sup
TX: Client supine or seated
Ankle Inv: Marked
IR: Of foot on tibia, marked
Talar Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over post sup Talus 1 cm inf to post end of tibia
App med to lat
TX: Client supine or seated
Ankle Ev: Marked
Ankle PF: Mild
ER: Of foot on tibia, marked
Calcaneal Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over post 1/3 of inf-lat calcaneus
App lat to med
TX: Client supine or seated
Ankle: DF mod
Subtalar/Calcaneal: Ev and ER of calcaneus on talus
Calcaneal Distraction: Into DF, marked
Navicular Inversion Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal / sup aspect of (med) Navicular Tuberosity
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps med, prox metatarsals
Metatarsal Inv / Mid-foot Varus: Marked
Navicular Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over plant/inf aspect of (med) Navicular Tuberosity
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps med, prox metatarsals
PF: Of ankle
Metatarsal Ev /Mid-foot Valgus: Marked
Cuboid Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over post-med aspect of (lat) dorsal cuboid
App sup to inf
TX: Client supine or seated, therapist grasps metatarsals
Valgus: Distal forefoot more lat, fine tune with ankle DF / PF
Metatarsal: Ev, marked
Cuboid Inversion Dysfunction
TP: Over post-lat aspect of (lat) dorsal cuboid
App sup to inf
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps metatarsals
Metatarsal / Mid-foot Varus: Marked. Fine tune with ankle DF / PF
Medial Cuneiform Inversion Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, ant aspect of corresponding tarsal bone
App sup to inf
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps 1st ray metatarsal bone
Metatarsal / Mid-foot Inv Varus: Of mid-tarsal joint, fine tune with slight DF / PF
Medial Cuneiform Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, post aspect of corresponding tarsal bone
App sup to inf
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps 1st ray metatarsal bone
Metatarsal /Mid-foot Ev: Marked, fine tune with slight DF / PF
Intermediate Cuneiform Inversion Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, ant aspect of corresponding tarsal bone
App sup to inf
TX: Client supine or seated, therapist grasps 2nd metatarsal bone
Metatarsal / Mid-foot Inv Varus: Of mid-tarsal joint, fine tune with slight DF / PF
Intermediate Cuneiform Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, post aspect of corresponding tarsal bone
App sup to inf
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps 2nd metatarsal bone
Metatarsal /Mid-foot Ev: Marked, fine tune with slight DF / PF
Lateral Cuneiform Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, post aspect of corresponding tarsal bone
App sup to inf
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps 3rd metatarsal bone
Metatarsal / Mid-foot Ev: Marked Fine tune with slight DF / PF
Lateral Cuneiform Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, post aspect of corresponding tarsal bone
App sup to inf
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps 3rd metatarsal bone
Metatarsal / Mid-foot Ev: Marked, fine tune with slight DF / PF
Dorsal Pronated / Eversion Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal/med surface of mid metatarsal bones, digits 2-5
App med to lat
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps associated proximal phalanx
Ankle Ev: Marked
Digit Pro: Of associated phalanx, marked
Plantar Inverted Metatarsals/Supinated Dysfunction
TP: Over plantar / med surface of mid metatarsal bones, digits 2-5
App med to lat
TX: Client supine, prone or seated. Therapist grasps associated proximal phalanx
Ankle PF: Marked
Ankle Inv: Marked
Digit Sup: Of associated phalanx, marked
Pronated / Everted 1st Metatarsal Dysfunction
TP: Over lat aspect of lat sesamoid bone
App lat to med
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps 1st phalanx
MTP: Flexion
1st Phalanx Ev: Marked
1st Phalanx ADD: Twd second digit, marked
Supinated / Inverted 1st Metatarsal Dysfunction
TP: Over med aspect of med sesamoid bone
App med to lat
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps 1st phalanx
1st Phalanx Inv: Marked
1st Phalanx ABD: Away from second digit, marked
Hallux Abduction Dysfunction
TP: Over sup-med aspect of prox first metatarsal
App sup-med to inf-lat
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps 1st phalanx
1st Phalanx ABD: Away from second digit, marked
1st Phalanx Flex: Moderate to marked
Patello-Femoral Outflare Dysfunction
TP: Over inf-med and inf-lat aspects of trochlear groove
App ant to post
TX: Client supine. Therapist grasps corresponding femoral condyle utilizing an ant approach
Traction: Corresponding femoral condyle lat or med, away from center, to widen Femoral Notch