MS2 - Arm Periosteum Flashcards
At STL in Bone Row -
Periosteum (A/P) - Can Bias
Cervical btwn mid-frontal ridge and coronal suture
Scar 30 degree P/A
MAXM - Periosteum UQ
TP: Over Inf-Med aspect of zygomatic process of maxilla (1F inf to infra-orbital foramen
App inf to sup
Glide: Ipsi maxilla or zygoma inf and med and slightly post direction to narrow maxillary arch. Swing up or down for high or low arch. Lift high side of vault up with ant fine tuning
Internally Torsioned Clavicle
TP: Over ant, sup aspect of distal clavicle (1 cm medial to AC joint)
App sup to inf
TX: Patient seated or supine
Shoulder ABD: Mild
Shoulder Ext: Marked
Shoulder IR: Marked
Externally Torsioned Clavicle
TP: Over post, sup aspect of distal clavicle (1 cm med to AC joint)
App sup to inf
TX: Patient seated or supine
Shoulder Flex: Mod in scapular plane
Shoulder ER: Marked
Scapula Adducted
TP: Over post-lat aspect of Coracoid Process
App lat to med
TX: Patient seated
Shoulder ER: Marked
Shoulder Elev and ADD: Mod
Overpressure: Through prox forearm into shoulder ER horizontal shoulder ABD
Scapula Abducted
TP: Over post-med Coracoid Process
App med to lat
TX: Patient seated, shoulder IR at side
Shoulder IR: Marked
Scapular Protraction, Depression and ABD: Marked
Humeral Anterior Compression
TP: Over ant aspect of Greater Tuberosity of Humerus
App ant to post
TX: Client seated or supine
Shoulder IR: Marked
Compression: Lat aspect of prox Humerus in ant-med direction
Humeral Posterior Compression
TP: Over post aspect of Greater Tuberosity of Humerus
App post to ant
TX: Client supine or seated
Shoulder ER: Marked
Compression: Lat aspect of prox Humerus in post-med direction
Humeral Internal Torsion
TP: Over med aspect of lesser tuberosity of humerus
App med to lat
TX: Client supine or seated, therapist grasps prox forearm in shoulder anatomical position
Humeral IR: Via full forearm pro with overpressure at end range
Humeral External Torsion
TP: Over lat aspect of lesser tuberosity of humerus
App lat to med
TX: Client supine or seated, therapist grasps prox forearm in shoulder anatomical position
Humeral Rot: Ext via full forearm sup with overpressure at end range
Humerus Extended
TP: Over prox Biceps (long head) at musculotendinous junction
TX: Client seated with arm ext and weight bearing behind hip
Humeral: Hyperext of elbow / humerus via post-med to ant-lat pressure above supracondylar ridge
Humeral Flexed
TP: Over distal, med Triceps Brachii
App post to ant
TX: Client seated or supine
Elbow Flex: Mod, arm stabilized with opp hand
Humeral: Post “bow” of mid-humerus via ant-med to post-lat pressure
Cubital Fossa Inflare
TP: Med and deep to prox Biceps tendon (sup to level of Medial Epicondyle of Humerus)
App ant to post with elbow in slightly flex position
TX: Client supine or seated
Compression: Of med and lat epicondyle ant-med direction (squeeze) utilizing post grip as shown
Cubital Fossa Outflare
TP: Lat and deep to prox Biceps tendon (sup to level of Lat Epicondyle of Humerus)
App ant to post with elbow slightly flex
TX: Client supine or seated
Glide: Prox Radius post and lat direction to cause gapping or flaring open of Cubital Fossa
Ulna Flexed Dysfunction
TP: Over ant, prox 1/3 of forearm flexor mass in belly of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
App ant to post (utilize med to lat snapping motion to identify hypertonicity)
TX: Client supine or seated, elbow flex
Flexion: Of Ulna via pressure on distal dorsal Ulna (little finger side)
Varus Ulna: Mild to mod, fine tune with flex and sup
Ulna Extended Dysfunction
TP: Over prox 1/4 of forearm extensor mass in belly of Abductor Pollicis Longus (slightly dist to Anconeus mm)
App post to ant (utilize med to lat snapping motion to identify hypertonicity)
TX: Client supine or seated
Ext: Of Ulna via pressure on dist, volar Ulna (little finger side)
Valgus Ulna: Mild to mod
Note: Scaphoid / thumb distraction will be limited if motion tested
Ulna Valgus Deformity
TP: Over prox 1/4 of post, lat ulna
App lat to med
TX: Client seated or supine
Shoulder Flex: Mod in scapular plane (little finger side)
Shoulder ER: Marked
Ulna Varus Deformity
TP: Over prox 1/4 of post, med ulna
App med to lat
TX: Client seated or supine
Elbow Flex: Mild
Varus: Of ulna while maintaining flex and pro
Ulna Pronated Deformity
TP: Over lat, distal most aspect of dorsal ulna
App lat to med
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps distal carpal row
Pro: Marked, of ulna with slight over-pressure at end range (little finger side)
Traction of Carpals: Mild
Ulna Supinated Deformity
TP: Over lat, distal most aspect of volar ulna
App lat to med
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps distal carpal row
Sup: Marked, of ulna with slight over-pressure at end range (little finger side)
Traction of Carpals: Mild
Radius Flexed Dysfunction
TP: Over ant surface of sup 1/3 of radius
TX: Client seated or supine
Elbow Flex: Mod and Sup, marked
Wrist Flex: Marked (actively held by Client)
Radius: Flex and compression stress though mid shaft Radius (thumb side)
Radius Extended Deformity
TP: Over post surface of sup 1/3 of radius
TX: Client seated or supine
Elbow: Ext, mod
Forearm: Sup, mod
Wrist: Ext (active by client)
Radius: Ext and distraction (traction) stress through mid shaft Radius (thumb side)
Radius Pronated Deformity
TP: Over med, distal most aspect of volar radius
App med to lat
TX: Client supine or seated, Therapist grasps distal carpal row
Pro: Marked, of radius with slight over-pressure at end range (thumb side)
Traction of Carpals: Mild
Radius Supinated Deformity
TP: Over med, distal most aspect of radius (dorsal aspect)
App medial to lat
TX: Client supine or seated. Therapist grasps distal carpal row
Sup: Marked, of radius with slight over-pressure at end range (thumb side)
Traction of Carpals: Mild
Scaphoid Flexed Dysfunction
TP: Over volar - distal - med aspect of Scaphoid bone
App ant to post
TX: Client seated or supine
Wrist Ext: Mild to mod
Wrist Pro: Marked
Wrist Ulnar Deviation: Marked
Scaphoid Extended Dysfunction
TP: Over volar, distal, med aspect of Scaphoid bone
App ant to post
TX: Client seated or supine
Wrist Ext: Mild to mod
Wrist Pro: Marked
Wrist Ulnar Deviation: Marked
Lunate Periosteal Dysfunction
TP: Over volar, distal aspect of Lunate bone
App ant to post
TX: Client seated or supine
Wrist Flex: Marked
Wrist Sup: Marked
Trapezium Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal distal aspect of Trapezium bone (prox to 1st metacarpal base)
App post to ant
TX: Client seated or supine
Thumb ABD: Marked
Thumb Sup: Marked
Thumb Ext: Mod
Trapezoid Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, distal aspect of Trapezoid bone (prox to 2nd metacarpal base)
App post to ant
TX: Client seated or supine
Wrist Flex: Marked
Wrist Pro: Marked
Capitate Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, distal aspect of Capitate bone (prox to 3rd metacarpal base)
App post to ant
TX: Client seated or supine
Wrist Flex: Marked
Wrist Sup: Marked
Hamate Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, distal aspect of Hamate bone (prox to 4th metacarpal base)
App post to ant
TX: Client seated or supine
Wrist Flex: Marked
Wrist Pro: Marked
Wrist UD: Marked
Triquetrum Dysfunction
TP: Over dorsal, distal aspect of the Triquetrum bone (distal to dorsal Ulna)
App post to ant
TX: Client seated or supine
Wrist Sup: Marked
Wrist UD: Marked
Dorsal/Pronated Metacarpal Torsion
TP: Over dorsal, lat aspect of corresponding metacarpals, mid-shaft
App lat to med
TX: Sup or seated - grasp involved prox phalanx
Pro: Of forearm - full
MP Ext: Moderately.
MP Pro: Full
Palmer/Supinated Metacarpal Torsion Dysfunctions
TP: Over volar, lat aspect of corresponding metacarpals, mid-shaft
App ant-lat to post-med
TX: Supine or seated, grasp involved prox phalanx
Forearm Sup: Full
MCP Flex: Mod
MCP Sup: Full
Metacarpal (Pronated) Torsion of 1st Digit
TP: Volar, med surface of mid, 1st metacarpal bone
TX: Client supine or seated. Grasp base of 1st prox phalanx
Thumb ADD: Mild
Thumb Pro: Marked, in anatomical position, of 1st digit
Dorsal/Pronated Metacarpal 1 Torsion Dysfunction
TP: Dorsal, med surface of mid, 1st metacarpal bone
TX: Client supine or seated. Grasp base of 1st proximal phalanx
Thumb Sup: Marked, in anatomical position, of 1st digit
Thumb ABD: Mild