Mrs Turner - Circadian Rhythms Flashcards
Circadian rhythms
Biological cycles lasting about 24 hours, optimizing physiology and behavior.
Biological rhythms
Cyclical changes in biological systems due to cyclic environmental changes.
Latin for ‘about’, used in the term ‘circadian’ to denote a 24-hour cycle.
Free-running circadian rhythm
Biological rhythm unaffected by external cues, like light or clocks.
Suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN)
Master circadian pacemaker in the hypothalamus, synchronizing body clocks.
Process of setting the body clock to the correct time using light as the primary input.
Sleep-wake cycle
Circadian rhythm dictating when to sleep and when to be awake, influenced by light and darkness.
Post-lunch dip
Circadian dip in sleepiness occurring between 1-3 pm, influenced by the sleep-wake cycle.
Homeostatic control
Regulation of sleep and wakefulness based on the body’s need for sleep and energy usage.
Core body temperature
Indicator of circadian rhythm, lowest at about 4:30 am and highest at about 6 pm.
Hormone following a circadian rhythm, promoting sleep when produced in darkness.
Buhr et al. (2010)
Researchers suggesting that temperature, not light, controls the body clock and circadian rhythms.
1) Free-Running Circadian Rhythm?
2) Michel Siffre?
3) Siffre’s Studies?
4) Southern Alps Stay?
5) Texas Cave Stay
6) 1999 Underground Stay
7) Aging Effects on Circadian Rhythms
1) Internal body clock without external cues
2) French cave explorer who studied circadian rhythms by living underground
3) Series of experiments living underground without external cues
4) First underground stay of 61 days, resurfaced believing the wrong date
5) Six-month stay with natural circadian rhythm settling to just over 24 hours
6) Study on aging effects, found body clock ticking more slowly
7) Body clock stretching circadian rhythms to 48 hours as age increased
Photo entrainment
Process of setting the body clock to the correct time through inputting light which is coordinated by the SCN.
What influenced our sleep wake cycles
progesterone and melatonin
And an example
where does it increase?
this hormone increases in preparation for a possible embryo implantation.
- for example if a women’s egg is fertilised progesterone will increase
- it increases in the uterus
Cons & Rods
The presence of light is detected by the cones in the eye which influences the SCN which is the master circadian pacemaker.
When light is detected the cones interact with the SCN to regulate the sleep cycle