MR Chapter 2 Flashcards
How do you start a MR question?
- First look at the data: - range of points - means of these frequencies are in the ‘statistics’ table above. Are they reasonable for the context?
- Next look at the regression. Simultaneous?
- Note the correlations. (The correlation between Homework and grades is only slightly higher than Math HW and Achievement in chapter 1. (.327). Parent edu, however, is correlated with both time spent on HW (.277) and GPA (.294). )
What is the Multiple Regression coefficient?
Capital R (sometimes mult R)
How is R2 interpreted?
R2 (.152) shows that the two explanatory variables together account for 15.2% of the variance in student’s GPAs. - You cannot just add the sum of the correlation coefficients which is why the figure is not larger, (R2 ≠ r2ParEd. GPA + r2 HW.GPA. - This is because the two explanatory variables are also correlated with each other. Parent edu accounts for HW.
How do we know if MR is statistically significant?
The ANOVA table tells us. This means that taken together in some optimally weighted combination, HW and PE levels predict or explain student’s GPA to a statistically significant degree.
What is formula for Df residual ?
N-K (k=total predictor variables)-1 (97).
How is MR different to Simple Regression?
- With simple regression there was one b, and its probability was that same as that of the overall regression equation. The corresponding ß was equal to that of the original correlation.
With MR, each IV has its own regression coefficient; b for Parent Education is .871 and time spent on HW is .988. The regression equation is Y = 63.227 + .871X1+.988X2+error, or for grades: Grades(predicted) = 63.227+.871ParEd+.988HWork.
How do we test Statistical Significance for MR?
- We test each IV for statistical significance separately
- Note that t (t=b/seb) for ParEd is 2.266 (p=.026), and the 95%CI for the b is .108-1.633.
- The range does not include zero, so with alpha .05, ParEd is a statistically significant predictor of GPA.
- For each additional year of Parent Edu, GPA rises by .871. (controlling for HW).
- What about HW? B = .988 so close to 1 point for each hour of homework (controlling for parent GPA). Also stat sig P=.007
How do we know which IV is the most effective on the DV in MR?
- If we want to compare hours of homework and years of parent schooling, you need to standardise them and compare the ßs, the standardised regression coefficients. The higher ß is the more effective variable. ßHW=.266, ßPE=.220, so yes homework is better.
- Each SD increase in HW will lead to .266 of a SD increase in grades. We will postpone asking whether this difference between the SDs of HW and PE is statistically significant.
Remember, HW can be manipulated, PE cannot, is it nonexperimental?
FIX CARD when Sabina gets back to you via email
Possoble statistical interpretations for Multiple Regression on Pared and HW
- What research was designed to determine
- What was regressed on what (DV, GPA was regressed on first IV and second IV).
- The overall multiple regression was statistically significant or not (R2=…, F[2,97]=…, p<.001),
- and the two variables (Homework and Parent Education) accounted for 15% of the variance on Grades.
- The unstandardized regression coefficient (b) for Parent Education was .871 (t[97] = 2.266, p=.026), meaning that for each addititional year of schooling…. Etc etc
- Of more direct interest was the b associated with time spent on Homework (b=.988, t[97]= 2.737,p=.007). This finding suggests …
- What research was designed to determine
What do we mean by Controlling for…
- we add these clarifications to indicate we have taken into account variables other than the single predictor and single outcome being interpreted and thus differentiate this interpretation from one focused on zero order correlations or simple, bivariate regression coefficients.
Will the simple regression coefficient and the MR coefficient be the same?
- The simple regression coefficient and the MR coefficient will rarely be the same
- the MR one will be smaller often.
What does ‘within levels’ mean?
Same as ‘controlling for’
- “Grade-point average will increase by .988 points, within levels of parent education”
What is the probblem with controlling for variables?
Controlling for assumes we have included the right variables to control for, which is hard
- But all in all MR is better than simple reg because we can explain the phenomenon and DV more completely.
What are Partial correlations?
- thought of as the correlation between two variables with the effects of another variable controlled, or removed, or “partialed” out.