ANOVA Lectures 5 and 6 Flashcards
What is EER?
The probability of making a type 1 error over all of the inferences or contrasts (according to k) in the experiment. The probability is no longer 5%, it’s more likley k times alpha.
Methods of controlling the EER for contrasts: planned vs post hoc contrasts
For planned contrasts (formulated before looking at the data): •EER control is optional if the contrasts are orthogonal • Otherwise, researchers can use either Bonferroni or Scheffé to control the EER (typically the procedure with the smaller c.v.) Both Bon and sheffe are CONSERVATIVE. Either at alpha or a bit below alpha. For post hoc contrasts (formulated after looking at the data): • Researchers must control the EER • Only the Scheffé procedure can be used
Why does Type I error inflate with k?
Number of pairwise comparisons (contrasts) = Jx(J-1) The more conditions you have in an experiment, the more likely we get extremes even though nothing systematic is happening.
How does a researcher decide which contrasts to test before looking at the results?
Compare groups which can be meaningfully clustered (i.e., averaged) based on theory e.g. None vs. Any (pill, capsule, inject) Intravenous (inject) vs. Oral (pill, capsule) Pill vs. Capsule
How does a researcher decide which contrasts to test after looking at the results?
(e.g. Looks like pain is lower after capsule than any of the other conditions.) So compare groups with the biggest (sample) mean difference
Why is k ≠ 1 when doing post hoc contrasts? Why not just use the biggest mean difference and test that contrast?
because at least (all those other) contrasts are also implicitly tested. Even if it’s unconscious, you’ve looked at means. Probability of type 1 error is inflated with more contrasts, number of k increases quickly with number of groups. k of 10 = type 1 error rate of 50%. We don’t know what K is, so we can’t use BOnf which depends on K. K is in the formula.
Why can’t you use bonf for post hoc?
We don’t know K, we have to use Sheffe.
If null hyp for anova if true what happens to contrasts using Sheffe?
If you use Sheffe, they will also not be significant.
What links sheffe to ANOVA?
The researcher decided to reject Ho if MSB/MSW is greater than crit F with v1 and v2 df. MSB = SSB/v1 so… this is the formula for the sheffe critical f.
What can SS contrast be? (range)
Remember, for any contrast, SS contrast is a number between zero and SSB
Why will that SS contrast = SSB for at least one contrast?
What is this contrast called?
Since SS contrast is between 0 and SSB,
If we reject Ho from the omnibus anova, we are saying that SSB/MSW is a number that is greater than v1 x critical F.05, v1, v2.
This means we must be able to define at least one significant contrast, such that SS contrast = SSB.
This is the maximal contrast. (can only be defined post hoc.
When is the maximal contrast defined?
It can only be defined post hoc because it’s based on the sum of squared deviations between each of the sample group means (Ybarj) and the sample grand mean (Ybar g).
Whta happens if you have a contrast with coefficients like 7 5 -3 -9?
They are not interpretable because they dno’t have two groups avergaed together (mean diff cont), nor do they correspond to a trend.
If we have looked at the means, we know the anova is significant, we want to test the contrasts, what are we using?
It’s post hoc so only use sheffe.
What is the sheffe critical F table?
Anova F tables (normal)
what does comfortably significant mean?
Obs F is at least twice the size of the crit F.
We should be able to find some sig, interpretable post hoc contrasts using the coefficients from the maximal contrast as a guide
What is a complex contrast?
-1 -1 -1 3
It compars several groups. The average of two or more group means on one hand and the avergae of one or more means on the other hand.
how do you work out how much proportio of SSB is accounted for in a contrast?
You divide the SScontrast by the maximal SS contrast (the SSB) to get a ratio.
e.g. Psy max SS contrast = 1640. (ss contrast 1 is 1280)
contrast 1 (psy1) accounts for 1280/1640 = 0.78 or 78% of SSB
What happens if Contrasts are not orthogonal?
These SS contrasts will account for overlapping bits. If you add up the SSs they greatly exceed the SSB that is supposed to be available.
If they were orth, they would sum to SSB.
simple contrast is
pairwise comparison