Movement Flashcards
The voice in the head tells a story that the body believes in and reacts to. Those reactions are the emotions. The emotions, in turn, feed energy back to the thoughts that created the emotion in the first place. This is the vicious circle between unexamined thoughts and emotions, giving rise to emotional thinking and emotional story- making.
All things are vibrating energy fields in ceaseless motion.
Gripping of both worlds
Open focus
Movement of thought
In addition to the movement of thought, although not entirely separate from it, there is another dimension to the ego: emotion.
This is not to say that all thinking and all emotion are of the ego. They turn into ego only when you identify with them and they take you over completely, that is to say, when they become “I.”
Think about this: everything physical in your life is not solid matter—rather, it’s all fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. All matter is empty space - “no thing” (energy)
Everything is empty space. But that space isn’t really empty. It’s actually filled with energy.
More specifically it’s made up of a vast array of energy frequencies that form a kind of invisible, interconnected field of information.
That means that our known universe and every thing in it - no matter how solid that matter may appear - is just energy and information. That’s a scientific fact.
Matter really doesn’t behave anything at all like the matter we’re used to dealing with. It doesn’t adhere to the laws of Newtonian physics. It completely disregards the boundaries of time and space.
Matter is a momentary phenomenon. It’s here one moment, and then it disappears.
It exists only as a tendency, a probability, or a possibility.
They found that When they observed particles of matter, they could affect or change their behavior. The reason they’re here and gone(and then here and gone again all the time) is that all of these particles actually exist simultaneously in an infinite array of possibilities or probabilities within the invisible and infinite quantum field of energy.
It’s only when an observer focuses attention on any one location of any one electron that the electron actually appears in that place. Look away, and the matter disappears back into energy.
According to the “observer effect,” physical matter can’t exist or manifest until we observe it-until we notice it and give it our attention. And when we are no longer paying attention to it, it vanishes, going back to whence it came.
So matter is constantly transforming, oscillating between manifesting into matter and disappearing into energy (about 7.8 times per second, as a matter of fact).
The body and everything else is doing this disappearing and reappearing act all the time. Particles exist in an infinite number of possible places simultaneously, and so do we.
And just as these particles go from existing everywhere simultaneously (wave, or energy) to existing precisely where the observer looks for them at the moment the observer is paying attention (particle, or matter), we’re also capable of collapsing an infinite number of potential realities into physical existence.
All atoms emit various electromagnetic energies.
Think of atoms as vibrating fields of energy or small vortices that are constantly spinning. To better understand how that works, let’s use the analogy of a fan. Just like a circular thing and creates wind ( a vortex of air) when it’s turned on, each atom, as it spins, radiates a field of energy in a similar fashion. And just like a fan can spin at different speeds and so create stronger or weaker wind, atoms also vibrate at different frequencies that create stronger or weaker fields. The faster the atom vibrates, the greater the energy and frequency it emits. The slower the speed of the atoms vibration or vortex, the less energy to create. The slower a fan’s blades spin, the less wind (or energy) is created and the easier it is to see the blades as material objects in physical reality. On the other hand, the faster the blades spin, the more energy is created and the less you see of the physical blades; the blades appear to be immaterial. Where the fan blades can potentially appear (like the subatomic particles the quantum scientists were trying to observe that kept popping in and out of view) depends on your observation-where and how you look for them. And so it is with Atoms.
Subject object and awareness of both
Subject object awareness of both
What am I aware of and what am I aware as.
How am I aware of the object
How am I aware of the subject
And how attend to movement of both
Matter is defined as a solid particle, and the immaterial energetic field of information can be defined as the wave. When we study the physical properties of atoms, like mass, atoms look like physical matter. The slower the frequency that an atom is vibrating, the more Time it spends and physical reality and the more it appears as a particle that we can see as solid. The reason physical matter appears as solid to us when it does, even though it’s mostly energy, is that all of the atoms are vibrating at the same speed we are.
But atoms also display many properties of energies or waves (including light, wavelengths, and frequency). The faster an atom vibrates and the more energy generates, the less time it spends in physical reality; it’s appearing and disappearing too fast for us to see it, because it’s vibrating at a much faster speed than we are.
How do you make your body become more energy and less matter. More wave and less particle. Using your consciousness how can you create more energy smiths mater can be lifted to a new frequency.
All disease is a lowest of frequency.
With subject, object and awareness of both
Subject of event object of event
And awareness of both
Subject of event object of event.
And how I am paying attention to both
Movement of event.
Subject object separation and effort.
Separation is distance
Effort is
How I am aware of the subject
Understanding of how the universe functions
demonstrating that energy and matter are so fundamentally related that they are one and the same. Essentially, his work showed that matter and energy are completely interchangeable.
Meaning! No meaning is the best meaning
When we recognize consciousness as the central theme of the universe, it becomes clear that creativity is our lifeline to that consciousness.
“Quantum physics is the physics of possibilities,” he says gravely. “And not just material possibilities, but also possibilities of meaning, of feeling, and of intuiting. You choose everything you experience from these possibilities, so quantum physics is a way of understanding your life as one long series of choices that are in themselves the ultimate acts of creativity.”
Quantum physics explains how our creative process involves both the conscious realm of manifest reality— what we see when we look around— and the realm of possibility, or pure potentiality.
creativity involves three things: discovering or inventing new meaning that has value— new or old, in new or old context(s)— or combinations thereof. Think
To understand human creativity we need a new paradigm that includes both matter and consciousness; it must be inclusive of all human modes of experience— sensing, feeling, thinking, and intuition. We have discovered such an inclusive paradigm. We call it science within consciousness. It is based on quantum physics and the metaphysics that posits consciousness as the foundation of all being.
Here are some fundamental aspects of this new science.
1 Consciousness is the foundation of all being. Manifest matter is preceded by quantum possibilities or potentialities. There are two realms of reality— potentiality and actuality. Conscious choice collapses the possibilities into manifest actuality. Since this choice is made from a state of consciousness beyond the ego, we refer to it as a “higher” or “quantum” consciousness, spiritual traditions refer to it as God. And since our conscious choices are shaped by higher consciousness this process can be described by the term downward causation. Within one undivided consciousness, there are four worlds of quantum possibilities: the material world that we navigate with our senses, the vital world whose energies we feel, the mental world in which we think and process meaning, and the world of supramental archetypes that we intuit— truth, beauty, love, etc. Conscious choice precipitates the collapse of quantum possibilities (waves) of each world into the manifest realm (of actualities). The multiple parallel worlds do not directly interact; consciousness mediates their interaction ( figure 1 ). The collapse is nonlocal, meaning that it requires no local communication or exchange of signals. The need for local communication via signals holds true only for space- time; quantum consciousness is nonlocal and therefore outside of space and time. The quantum collapse from possibility to actuality is discontinuous. The word transcendent , which we apply to the realm of pure potentiality, evokes both nonlocality and discontinuity. In the transcendent quantum realm of pure potentiality, consciousness remains undivided from its possibilities and there is no experience. Collapse produces “dependent co- arising” of an experiencing subject and an object that is experienced. Creativity is fundamentally a phenomenon of consciousness discontinuously manifesting truly new possibilities from transcendent potentiality. This is why in ancient traditions, creativity is referred to as a marriage between (transcendent) heaven and (immanent) earth. The mind gives meaning to the interaction of consciousness and matter. The value of creative work comes from what we intuit, what Plato called archetypes. The role of the brain is to make representations of mental meaning. Creativity is invention or discovery of new meaning. What is truly new is meaning invented or discovered using old or new archetypal contexts and combinations thereof.
consciousness is the foundation of all being, including matter; when choosing from material possibilities, consciousness is choosing from itself and therefore doesn’t require a signal.
I choose the subject and object and my awareness of both.