Mind Awareness Flashcards
Thinking mind Body mind = sense mind Knowing mind Energy mind - universal mind Universal consciousness Universal awareness
Experiencing knowing
When “conscious,” there is an experiencing of sight, sound, feeling, taste, and smell, as well as thinking and emotions. Notice closely that these all are sensations or body- mind activity. Sights, sounds, feelings, etc. and even thoughts— all would be noticeable, observable forms.
Body’s attention
Awareness’s attention
The body’s focusing did not alter Life’s capacity to be present and embrace even what appears as the entire universe. Use this example again right now. For a moment, put attention on the period at the end of this sentence. This is the focused, limited activity of the body, or the personal sense of “I.” Meanwhile, the capacity to be alive, aware, and also include the entire room hasn’t gone away. This is the unlimited presence of impersonal or infinite Life. Notice that the focusing of attention is capable of being directed from one single item to another.
Notice that the focusing activity of the body or personal I is just that— activity . It could be the focusing of the senses— a particular sight, a particular feeling— such as the feel of this book in the fingers. It could be the arising of a thought or an emotion— and focusing on that. It is as if attention goes to one small part of all experience— and that part is isolated or separated from the rest.
Another thing to notice about this focused activity of the body or personal I is that it always seems to move . Usually the movement is like a chain reaction. One sensation, thought or emotion is linked to another and another throughout the day. To focus on one thing, then the next, and the next, involves effort, energy of the body or personal I— as attention goes to each thought, feeling or sensation. Now notice an important difference. Feel the contrast between that energy movement with its constant flitting of attention— and the simple, free, effortless present- ness of all- embracing Life.
It doesn’t focus, separate, react, or see in parts. There is no effort because there is no focusing on any one part or single thing. There is no movement from one thing to another thing. As Life’s awareness, You are still, at ease. Notice what else seems to happen when focusing only on one specific item.
When the focused attention has zeroed in on that one small part of the whole view, it’s as if that part has been mentally divided from the rest. Suddenly, that one part is treated as separate. It’s the same when focusing on a body and calling it “me.”
That simple difference of focusing is the difference between being the whole of Life— or just a small part. The very act of thinking and focusing seems to mentally create a separate “you” that is superimposed on Life’s clear, whole, limitless awareness. And this thinking seems to be something separate from Life. This literally is the difference between being all of Life or taking on an assumption of being only one small part of Life. Notice that Life’s awareness itself never actually fails to be unlimited, free Life— even if some assumptions seem to be temporarily superimposed.
Notice that this un- focused ease of Life’s awareness is not seeking anything. It is not even seeking more of itself, or a higher state of consciousness! Life already is “at” itself. Notice that thinking is what always seems to be seeking, trying to get or attain. Thinking, by its very nature of constant movement, never is at ease. Notice the difference when the identification is different. If there is identification with thoughts, and an assumption that the thoughts are “you”— then “you” always are in movement, always seeking, always not at ease. As Life’s open,
Grab it and hold onto it with attention
Pure consciousness = Awareness of “no-thinking,”
Pure awareness
How I pay attention to them what I am.
Paradigm. - is it possible.- level of consciousness - understanding of what life is and how it works.
What am j going to focus on
What does it mean
What am I gonna do
I am consciousness. I am awareness.
How and why consciousness is not in the body.
Consciousness Itself is incapable of having been produced by a universe, a planet earth, a chemical or biological process, or any other thing one appears to be conscious of.
What is consciousness
Consciousness isn’t a word. It is literally the very “Substance” wherein all existing goes on. Consciousness is actively aware and alive as all Presence, the only real “Place” there is. It is the one, essential “Stuff” without which your everyday affairs and entire universe wouldn’t even appear to exist. The implications of this fact are so enormous, so thrilling, it’s indescribable.
Again, simply nothing exists beyond, or is greater than Consciousness, Awareness.
Again, simply nothing exists beyond, or is greater than Consciousness, Awareness.
I can choose to be
Body consciousness or awareness
Felt sense and
Resting of awareness