Motor function testing of UL / LL myotomes Flashcards
What is the purpose of the technique i.e. what are you measuring and why?
To check for potential weakness that may indicate a loss of nerve innovation or a progressive deficit
How do you know whether the measurement is normal?
Ability to replicate force for entire duration
Strong and painless
What principles are used in carrying out (application) the technique?
1) Patient comfortable, explain procedure, informed consent
2) Test muscle in mid-range.
3) Use instruction “Don’t let me move you”.
4) Build up to maximal resistance to enable patient to recruit, this
avoids sudden jolt or pain.
5) Hold for 5-10 seconds to check the muscle group can maintain
6) complete for entire upper or lower limb & compare to other side
What structures/processes are being assessed?
Can be used to check innervation of muscle groups supplied by a particular part of the nervous system e.g. peripheral nerve or nerve root (myotomes).
Precautions / contraindications
Skin condition
Are you feeling well in yourself?
Do you have any injuries I should be aware of?
Do you have any skin conditions?
Do you suffer with hypertension
Movements to test myotome: C1 & C2
Neck Flexion
Movements to test myotome: C3
Neck lateral flexion
Movements to test myotome: C4
Shoulder elevation
Movements to test myotome: C5
Shoulder flexion, lateral rotation & Abduction
Movements to test myotome: C5-6
Shoulder flexion
Movements to test myotome: C6
Supination @ shoulder
Movements to test myotome: C6-7
Elbow extension
Wrist flexion & Extension
Movements to test myotome: C6-8
Shoulder medial rotation, adduction and extension
Movements to test myotome: C7-8
Shoulder pronation
MCP & IP joint flexion and extension
Movements to test myotome: C8
Thumb extension
Movements to test myotome: T1
Abduction of 3rd finger MCP
Adduction of 2,3,4 finger MCP
Movements to test myotome: L1-3
hip flexion and medial rotation
Movements to test myotome: L1-4
hip adduction
Movements to test myotome: L1 & 5
hip external rotation
Movements to test myotome: L3-4
Knee extension
Movements to test myotome: L4-5
hip extension & foot inversion
Movements to test myotome: L5 - S1
hip abduction & foot eversion
Movements to test myotome: L5- S2
Knee flexion
Movements to test myotome: S1-2
plantar flexion
Movements to test myotome: L5
toe extension
Movements to test myotome: S2-3
toe adduction
What movements are required to test upper limb myotomes?
Neck flexion: C1-2
Neck lateral flexion: C3
Shoulder elevation: C4
Shoulder flexion: C5, 6
Shoulder supination: C6
Forearm extension: C6, 7
Wrist flexion: C6, 7
Wrist extension: C6, 7
Shoulder medial rotation: C6, 7, 8
Shoulder adduction: C6, 7, 8
Shoulder extension: C6, 7, 8
Shoulder pronation: C7, 8
Finger flexion: C7, 8
Finger extension: C7, 8
Thumb extension: C8
Ulnar deviation: C8
Finger 3 abduction: T1
Finger 2,3,4 adduction: T1
What movements are required to test lower limb myotomes?
Hip flexion: L1, 2, 3
Hip Medial rotation: L1, 2, 3
Hip adduction: L1, 2, 3, 4
Hip Lateral rodation: L1 & 5
Knee extension: L3, 4
Hip extension: L4, 5
Foot inversion: L4, 5
Dorsiflexion: L4, 5, S1
Hip Abduction: L5, S1
Foot eversion: L5, S1
Knee Flexion: L5, S1, S2
Toe extension: L5
Plantarflexion: S1, 2
Toe adduction: S2, 3