Motivation Flashcards
Define motivation?
Motivation is the direction and intensity of effort, especially as they relate to the direction and intensity of one’s effort across time.
Define direction of effort?
Direction of effort refers to whether an individual seeks out, approaches, or is attracted to situations.
Define intensity of effort?
Intensity of effort refers to how much effort an individual puts forth in a situation.
Define the trait-centred view?
Motivated behaviour is primarily a function of individual characteristics.
Define the situation-centred view?
Motivation level is determined primarily by situation.
Define the interactional view?
Motivated behaviour results from the interaction of participant factors and situational factors.
what does the Interactional Model of Motivation show?
Participant by situation interaction is affected by:
Personal factors: Personality, needs, interests, goals.
Participant motivation
Situational factors: Leader/coach style, facility attractiveness , team win/loss record.
what are the 5 guidelines for motivation?
1) consider both the situations and traits in motivating people.
2) understand people’s multiple motives for involvement
3) change the environment to enhance motivation
4) influence motivation
5) use behaviour modification to change undesirable participant motives
what are the major motives for sport participants?
improving skill
having fun
being with friends
achieving success
developing fitness
experiencing thrills and excitement
what are the major motives for exercise participants?
health factors
weight loss
feeling better
social factors
liking the activity
Define self determination theory?
people are motivated when they satisfy three general needs:
1) Autonomy
2) Competence
3) Relatedness
Define Achievement motivation?
A person’s orientation to strive for task success, persist in the face of failure and experience pride accomplishments.
Self-comparison of achievement
Define Competitiveness?
A disposition to strive for satisfaction when making comparisons with some standard of excellence in the presence of evaluative others (Martens, 1976)
Social evaluation or comparison.
what are Achievement Motivation Influences?
Choice of activities
Effort to pursue goals
Intensity of effort
Persistence in the face of failure and adversity
What are the theories of motivation?
Need achievement theory
Attribution theory
Achievement goal theory
Competence motivation theory
define Need Achievement Theory and the 5 components?
An interactional view that considers both personality and situational factors as important predictors of behaviour.
Personality factors or motives
Situational factors
Resultant tendencies
Emotional reactions
Define attribution theory with examples?
Attributions: How people explain their successes and failures
Examples include the following:
Locus of causality
Locus of control
Define Achievement Goal Theory Orientations?
Ego goal orientation (or competitive goal orientation): Comparing performance with and defeating others.
Task Goal orientation (mastery): Improving relative to one’s own past performances.
Social goal orientation:
Judging competence in terms of affiliation with the group and recognition of being liked by others
what are the 3 Key Factors in the Achievement Goal Approach``/
achievement goals: ego-orientated and task oriented
achievement behaviour: performance, effort, persistence, task choice
perceived ability: high perceived ability/competence, low perceived ability/competence
what are the 4 points of Achievement goal theory?
entity view: adopting an outcome goal focus where one season’s ability as fixed and unable to be changed through effort.
Incremental focus: adopting a task goal perspective and believing that one can change their ability through hard work and effort.
approach goal orientation: focusing on achieving competence .
avoidance goal orientation: focusing on avoiding incompetence.
Define Motivational Climate?
Social climates of achievement settings can vary significantly on such things as the tasks that learners are asked to perform, student-teacher authority patterns, recognition systems, student ability groupings, evaluation procedures and Time allotted for activities to be performed.
With a motivational climate of task goal (versus ego) orientation, there are more adaptive motivational patterns, such as positive attitudes, increased effort, and effective learning strategies.
what are the key achievement of goal theory?
Focus extra attention on task-oriented goals.
Foster mastery or task motivational climates.
Encourage approach goals.
what are the Stages of Developing Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness
Autonomous competence stage
Social comparison stage
Integrated (self- and social-comparison) stage
what are the stages Developing Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness?
Recognise stage of achievement motivation.
Ultimate goal is the integrated stage.
Motivational climate influences
achievement motivation.
Implications for Guiding Achievement Motivation and Professional Practice
recognise the interaction of personal and situational factors in influencing achievement behaviour.
emphasis task goals and downplay ego goals.
focus on task goals.
create a task orientated motivational climate.
monitor and alter your attributional feedback.
assess and correct inappropriate participant attributions.
help participants determine when to compete and when focus on individual improvement.
enhance perceptions of competence and control.