Leadership Flashcards
Define leadership?
- Leadership is the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.
Definition of a manger?
A manager takes care of such things as scheduling, budgeting, and organising
Definition of a leader?
A leader provides vision and is more concerned with the direction of an organisation, including its goals and objectives.
what are the two methods for choosing a leader?
- Appointed or prescribed leaders - Individuals appointed by some authority to a leadership position (e.g., health club manager, coach, head athletic trainer).
- Emergent leaders - Individuals who emerge from a group and take charge (e.g., captain of an intramural team, student leader of an exercise class).
Can be more effective because they have the respect and support of the group or team.
what are the functions of a leader?
- To ensure that the demands of the organisation are satisfied in that the group meets its goals and objectives
- To help facilitate group member motivation
- To ensure that the needs of the group members are satisfied
define peer leadership and why is it beneficial ?
- Peer leaders have higher perceived competence, and are more liked, exhibit positive social behaviours, and have higher intrinsic motivation.
- Peer leadership is positively related to a number of important team outcomes such as:
- Increased task and social cohesion
- Athlete satisfaction
- Emotional control within the team
- Collective efficacy
What are the approaches for leadership?
Trait approach
Behavioural approach
Situational approach
Interactional approach
Define the trait approach to leadership?
What personality characteristics are common in great leaders?
E.G. Intelligence, assertiveness, independence, and self-confidence
Leaders have a variety of personality characteristics
Define the behavioural approach to leadership?
What are the universal behaviours of effective leaders?
Successful leaders use both consideration (focus on friendship, mutual trust, respect) and initiating structures (focus on rules, goals, and objectives).
Effective coaches focus on the positive while providing clear feedback and technical instruction. Emphasis on effort over winning.
Coaches exhibit mostly training and instruction and autocratic behaviour.
Peer leaders display social support, positive feedback, and democratic behaviour.
Define the situational approach to leadership?
Effective leadership is much more dependent on the characteristics of the situation than on the traits and behaviours of the leaders in those situations.
This approach is not widely endorsed by itself, but it is important in facilitating our understanding of leadership because it shows that situational features have an influence on leader success.
Define the interactional approach to leadership?
Personal and situational factors need to be considered in order to understand effective leadership.
No one set of characteristics ensures successful leaders.
Effective leadership styles or behaviours fit the specific situation and the athletes involved.
Leadership styles can be changed.
Coaches and leaders can alter their styles and behaviours to match the demands of the situation
2 leadership styles are relationship-orientated and task-orientated.
Define Relationship-orientated leadership?
A relationship-oriented leader focuses on developing and maintaining good interpersonal relationships.
Relationship-oriented leaders are effective in moderately favourable situations.
Define Task-oriented leadership?
A task-oriented leader focuses on setting goals and getting the job done.
Task-oriented leaders are effective in very favourable or unfavourable situations.
Define Cognitive–mediational model?
Coach leadership behaviours are a function of their own personal characteristics, which are mediated by situational factors and the meaning athletes attribute to those coaching behaviours.
Coach behaviour > athlete perception of coach behaviour < Athlete evaluative response
Define Multidimensional model?
Leader effectiveness in sport can vary depending on the characteristics of the athletes, leader behaviours, and characteristics and constraints of the situation
Optimal performance and satisfaction are achieved when a leaders required, preferred and actual behaviours are consistent.
How can leadership change in the pursuit of excellence?
Leaders who help individuals and teams pursue excellence transform the person by facilitating attributes like self-efficacy and competitiveness
At the same time, leaders create a situation or environment that supports a compelling vision, key goals, and productive motivational climates.
what are the Leadership Guidelines for the Pursuit of Excellence?
Creating a compelling vision for people to follow
Inspirational communication (instilling pride, enhancing morale)
Intellectual stimulation (followers understand the big picture behind what they are doing)
Individualized attention and supportive behavior
Personal recognition
Demanding and directing behaviors
Promotion of self-efficacy and self-esteem
Emphasis on winning (emphasizing the importance of winning but not winning at all costs)
Fostering competitiveness in the team
Instilling task and ego orientations and climates (balancing a strong emphasis on task goals while also integrating ego goals in an appropriate fashion)
The provision of cognitive, emotional, and technical training
Facilitating flow
Define transformational leadership?
Transformational leadership occurs when the leader takes a visionary position and inspires people to follow that vision and supportively work with each other to excel.
Transformational leadership involves having the ability to motivate and inspire followers to achieve new heights and accomplish more than they originally believed they could.
Transformational leadership has been found to be more effective than transactional leadership that focuses on reinforcing and punishing relative to team tasks and monitoring follower performance.
what are the Four Components of Transformational Leadership?
Idealized influence
(e.g., the leader serves as a role model to followers by earning their trust, admiration, and respect)
Inspirational motivation
(e.g., motivating followers by conveying a compelling vision of where the group is going while simultaneously encouraging followers to take on challenging tasks)
Intellectual stimulation
(e.g., encouraging new and creative ways of approaching problems)
Individualized consideration
(e.g., recognizing the individual needs of each group member)
what are the Antecedents of Leadership?
Age and maturity
Older, more athletically mature athletes prefer coaches who are more autocratic and socially supportive.
Preferences for training and instruction behavior decrease from early to senior year of high school but increase again at the university level.
Males prefer training and instructive behaviors and an autocratic coaching style.
Females prefer democratic and participatory coaching that allows them to make decisions.
Cultural background may influence leadership preferences (e.g., United States, Britain, Canada, Japan).
Type of sport
Participants in highly interactive sports (e.g., volleyball players) prefer an autocratic style more than participants in coaching sports (e.g., bowling) do.
Psychological characteristics
Athletes with an internal locus of control show a strong preference for training and instruction, while athletes with and external locus of control prefer more autocratic behaviors.
what are the Consequences of Leadership?
coach athlete compatibility in decision making style, generous social support of the coach, rewards and democratic decisions are generally associated with higher levels of satisfaction.
Team sport athletes find positive coaching behaviours even more important than individual sport athletes do.
Coaches high in training and instruction, democratic behaviour, social support, and positive feedback and low in autocratic behaviours have teams with greater cohesion.
Exercise leaders exhibiting more task-related behaviours and providing task-specific reinforcement were associated with more cohesive exercise groups.
Losing teams need more social support from their leaders to sustain motivation.
Intrinsic motivation:
coaches who exhibit an autocratic style have athletes with lower intrinsic motivation and perceived competence.
The effect of coaching style influences athletes degree of persistence in sport.
what are the The Four Components of Effective Leadership?
Leader’s qualities
* Effective leaders have integrity, flexibility, loyalty, confidence, accountability, candour, preparedness, resourcefulness, self-discipline, and patience.
* Effective leaders mobilize and focus the physical, mental, and emotional energy resources of themselves and of team members toward the team objectives.
Leadership styles
* Democratic or autocratic
* Leader’s decision-making style
* What is the best style for the situation?
Situational factors
* Team or individual
* Interactive or coactive
* Team size
* Available time
* Traditional leadership style
Follower’s qualities
Experience, Gender, Ability, Age/experience/maturity, Nationality, Personality