Motivating Employees Flashcards
What is Motivation?
The process by which a person’s efforts are energised, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal
What are the 3 Elements of Motivation? and what do they mean?
Energy - a measure of intensity or drive.
Direction - effort channelled in a direction that benefits the organisation.
Persistence - when employees persist in putting forth effort to achieve those goals.
List the Content Theories of Motivation
Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Herzberg: Two Factor Theory
McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y
McClelland: Three - Needs Theory
List the Process Theories of Motivation
Vroom: Expectancy Theory
Adams: Equity Theory
Goal-Setting Theory
Self-Efficacy Theory
What is Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory?
The proposal that within every person is a hierarchy of five needs: Physiological needs Safety needs Social needs Esteem needs Self-actualisation needs
What is Herzbergs Two Factor Theory?
Intrinsic factors (Motivators) are related to job satisfaction and motivation, whereas extrinsic factors (Hygiene factors) are associated with job dissatisfaction
What is McGregors Theory X and Theory Y?
Theory X - Employees dislike work, are lazy, avoid responsibility, and must be coerced to work
Theory Y - Employees are creative, enjoy work, seek responsibility, and can exercise self-direction
What is McClellands Three - Needs Theory?
The proposal that three acquired needs are major motives at work:
Need for Achievement
Need for Power
Need for Affiliation
What is Vrooms Expectancy Theory?
Motivation depends on:
i. How much we want something
ii. How likely we think we are to get it
What is Adams Equity Theory?
Employee compares his or her jobs input-outcomes ratio with someone else’s then corrects any inequity
What is Goal-Setting Theory?
Specific goals increase performance and difficult goals (when accepted) result in higher performance
What is Self-Efficacy Theory?
A person’s belief that they are capable of performing a task
A person’s self efficacy for a particular task, the higher the goals set, and the higher the performance
What is a content theory?
Focuses on what motivates and individual
What is a process theory?
a theory that attempts to explain why people choose to behave in a certain way
How Does Job Design Influence Motivation?
Job Characteristics Model (Hackman and Oldham 1976)
Job design – five core dimensions - skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback
Managers design jobs to reflect changing environment, organisation’s technology and employees’ skills
How do managers motivate a diverse workforce?
Compressed Workweek Flexible Work Hours (flextime) Job Sharing Telecommuting Employee Recognition Programs Pay-for-Performance Programs