Mother Should Be Care Giver Flashcards
What are the main points?
Freud’s views
Deprivation damage
Mothers not fathers
Feeding- what do the NHS recommend?
Infants a are breast fed for at least the first 6 months of their lives
What does breast feeding offer and why?
The healthiest start for infants because it protects the infant dorm numerous infections and diseases
What do the NHS claim?
That breast feeding can build a strong physical and emotional bond between mother and baby and so is an important subsequent for emotional development
The feeding argument means that an infants mother will have to feed an infant every 2 hours. Why does this help the arguments?
Both practical, and essential to the infants survival that the mother is a primary care giver
What does the feeding argument mean for fathers?
Father is limited to a supporting care-giving role
What does Sigmund Freud say about the role of a mother?
Of great importance in the initial oral stage of psychosexual development
According to Freud, why does an infant rely on its mother? What happens if over indulged/ frustrated?
To satisfy the needs of their libido
Over indulgence/ frustration can lead to emotional problems later in life e.g. Neediness or pessimism
What did Freud claim that separation anxiety was caused from?
Cause by the infant realising that their bodily needs will go unsatisfied if separation is allowed to occur
How, according to Freud, can the relationship between mother and infant affect future relationships?
A mother’s love acts as a prototype for every relationship the infant will go through
What did Bowlby demonstrate? (Deprivation damage)
How early and prolonged separation between a child and a mother can have lasting emotional effects
What can early separation lead to?
An affection less character
What is an affection less character more likely to be/ have?
Lack the ability to feel mortal affection, shame or sense of responsibility
More likely to be a thief
What did Bowlby form the ideas of an affection less character into?
Maternal deprivation hypothesis
What did Bowlby identify?
A central role for the mother in healthy emotional development
What was Bowlby influenced by and how did it affect his proposals?
Influenced by the evolutionary theory
Proposed that attachment to one caregiver has special importance for survival (monotropy)
What is a reason for women being a better care giver?
Most men are not psychologically equipped to form this kind of emotional relationship
What makes women biologically better to be a primary care giver?
The female hormone oestrogen which underlines caring behaviour so women are more oriented towards emotional relationships than men
What did Frodi find?
Showed a video tape of infants crying and found no differences in the biological response of men and women