Mosby 3 Flashcards
the therapist may see a patient treated in the seated position because of
shortness of breath and/or weight exceeds the couch limit
indian club needles have
one hot end
dense metal accessories should be placed at a suitable distance from the patients skin surface in order to prevent contamination from secondary
electrons and neutrons
during radiation treatment to the thorax, the arm position should be
consistent throughout the treatment course
beam symmetry and flatness are defined over what percentage of the field
which of the following equipment produces extra nuclear indirectly ionizing radiation
linear accelerator
a low residue diet would be recommended for the patient receiving radiation to the
the pituitary gland is situate in the
sella turcica of the sphenoid bone
the most important method used to confirm malignancy is
histopathological study
the backscatter factor depends on
energy and field size
what is a nonmalignant condition treated by stereotactic radiosurgery
arteriovenous malformation
the td 5/5 for the lens of the eye is
500 cGy
which of the following radioisotopes is sometimes administered into the peritoneal cavity in the treatment of gynecological malignancies
a good surface landmark to approximate the apex of the lung is
in a linear accelerator, microwave amplification occurs in the
a patient undergoing treatments to the oral cavity and oral pharynx will experience
altered taste, sore throat, difficulty swallowing
the use of the wedge filter helps to
achieve a more homogenous dose distribution, compensate for the absence or presence of tissue, avoid hot spots
the process of cellular growth and development is called
what technique is used to treat early pre-cancers of the cervix
loop electrosurgical excision
which of the following radiation interactions with matter occur independently of atomic number
Compton effect
bite block systems may be used in head and neck irradiation for the purpose of
reducing the volume of oral mucosa in the field
how many joules are in 1 electron volt
1.6x10^-19 J
Bragg peak is
maximum ionization near the end of the range of a heavy, charged particle
between the thyroid notch and the cricoid cartilage lies the
the basic types of interaction between x-radiation and matter include all of the following except
radiative bremmstralung production
increasing the dose rate on a linear accelerator will ___ the percent depth dose
not change
the treatment field for a right upper lobe tumor has the central axis at the level of the sternal angle. the verification port will likely show the central axis at about the level of the