Morphology - BASICS Flashcards
Morpheme definition
Minimal unit that bears meaning in language.
Types of morphemes
- Free or bound
- Root, stem, clitic
Mode of attatchmentL
different affixes that attatch to eachother in different ways
What is freedom of occurrence in a morpheme
Whether a morpheme is free or bound.
Free morphemes
a morpheme can be a word: “soon” - smallest unit of meaning
Bound morphemes
Morphemes that are not words are bound!
» Affixes are bound.
He walked. *He –ed.
> > lexical words can also be bound (in many langs):
EG Verbs in Dalabon
EG Rembarrnga - classes of bound nouns (some bound, some not) *djarra = head djarra-na = his head
Bound»_space; Root/stem/affixes
Word boundaries
How do we decide that a block is a word or not? not two?
- Phonology - stress. pauses not possible
- Morphophonemic phenomena at word boundaries.
E.g. French liaison.
ORTHOGRAPHY is NOT a good indicator
Affixes and clitics
Affixes are bound morphemes.
» Highly specified in distribution. E.g. verbal, nominal…
Clitics are ‘halfway’ between free morphemes and affixes.
» Symbols = vs –
» Proclitics and enclitics = Transparent labels!
Clitics are not free morphemes because
NOT independent > Nor phonologically. -> Not independent phonological words. > Neither syntactically. ->Cannot occur without a head.
Jane’s blue dress.
*’s blue dress.
Clitics are not affixes because
Their distribution is often more flexible.
»They typically afford a larger range of heads
- She’s in Europe.
-The weather’s awful.
> > some things can come between clitics and their heads (french example)
> > Affixes are closer to the root. Clitics are further out
Probably a fuzzy category.
Not always easy to decide.
In some languages the properties combine.
E.g. polysynthetic Guniwnyguan languages (Australia)
Roots are not the same as free morphemes.
» Not all roots are free.
» Some must have affixes to be well-formed words.
They are the greater common denominator - after removing suffixes
The part of the words to which affixes attach
EG italian STEM parli- parla- parle-
> > often the same as the root
prefixes suffixes infixes circumfixes reduplication non-segmental
They combine - can be several of each
- always relative to the root - not to other affixes
left of the root
right of the root