More complex (statements and questions). Flashcards
‘On the weekend we did drink wine and whisky at the club with friends.’
Shuumatsu watashitachi wa tomodachi to kurabu de wain to uiskii o nomimashita.
‘Last night I did eat steak and salad at the restaurant.’
Kinoo no ban watashi wa resutoran de suteeki to sarada o tabemashita.
‘Last week on Friday night John and Jane did go by car to their friend’s home, and then did return at 10:30 PM.’
Senshuu no kinyoobi no ban Jon-san to Jeen-san wa kuruma de tomodachi no uchi e iki sorekara gogo juu(ji) san-juppun ni kaerimashita.
‘Tomorrow night at 9:00 PM how (by what transport) do you come to the party with your friends?’
Ashita no ban no gogo kuu(ji) ni anata wa tomodachi to nani de paati e kimasu ka.
Question - ‘Yesterday what did you buy from the department store?’
Response - ‘Yesterday at the department store I did by these shoes and clothes.’
Question - Kinoo anata wa depaato de nani o kaimashita ka.
Response - Kinoo watashi wa depaato de kono kutsu to fuku o kaimashita.
‘On November 23rd myself and Daniel do go together to the Post Malone concert. We do (will) listen to music at the concert.’
Juu-ichi(gatsu) ni-juusan(nichi) ni watashi to Danieru-san wa issho ni posutomaroon no konsaato e ikimasu. Watashitachi wa konsaato de ongaku e kikimasu.
‘This morning from 8:00 AM until 9:00 AM John did read a book at home by himself.’
Kesa no gozen hachi(ji) kara kuu(ji) made Jon-san wa uchi de hitori de hon o yomimashita.
‘Last night me and my family family did go together by car to the cinema, and then did watch a movie from 7:30 PM until 10:15 PM.’
Kinoo no ban watashi to kazoku wa issho ni kuruma de eiga e iki sorekara gogo shichi(ji) san-juppun kara juu(ji) juugo(fun) made eiga o mimashita.
Question - ‘Where did you buy those shoes?’
Response - ‘I did buy these shoes at the department store.’
Question - Anata wa doko de sono kutsu o kaimashita ka.
Response - Watashi wa depaato de kono kutsu o kaimashita.
‘On Saturday from 1:00 PM until 3:00PM John and Jane do (play) tennis together at the tennis club.’
Doyoobi no gogo ichi(ji) kara san(ji) made Jon-san to Jeen-san wa issho ni tenisu kurabu de tenisu o shimasu.
‘John did write a letter. Jane also wrote a letter.’
Jon-san wa tegami o kakimashita. Jeen-san mo tegami o kakimashita.
‘On the weekend Jane did take this photo at the park with the camera.’
Shuumatsu Jeen-san wa kooen de kamura de kono shashin o torimashita.
‘Today from 11:00 AM until 6:30 PM John did study Japanese.’
Kyoo no gozen juu-ichi(ji) kara gogo roku(ji) san-juppun made Jon-san wa nihongo o benkyooshimashita.
Question - ‘From John’s house to Jane’s work by car about how much (time) does it take?’
Response - ‘It does take 45 minutes from John’s house to Jane’s work by car.’
Question - Jon-san no uchi kara Jeen-san no shitgoto made kuruma de dono kurai kakarimasu ka.
Response - Jon-san no uchi kara Jeen-san no shigoto made kuruma de yon-juugo(fun) kakarimasu.
‘This morning me and my friend did go together by car from home to the university.’
Kesa watashi to tomodachi wa issho ni kuruma de uchi kara daigaku made ikimashita.
‘That hotel is a little far from the train station right?’
Sono hoteru wa eki kara chotto tooi desu ne (long).
Person A - ‘That hotel is a little far from the train station right?’
Person B - ‘I agree. Lets go by taxi.’
Person A - Sono hoteru wa eki kara chotto tooi desu ne (long).
Person B - Soo desu ne (short). Takushi de ikimashoo.
Person A - ‘Today not very good weather right?’
Person B - ‘I agree. Would you like to watch a movie together at my house?’
Person A - Kyoo wa amari ii tenki ja arimasen ne (long).
Person B - Soo desu ne (short). Issho ni uchi de eiga o mimasenka.
Person A - ‘Today is very hot right?’
Person B - ‘I agree. Let’s go to the pool.’
Person A - Kyoo wa totemo atsui desu ne (long).
Person B - Soo desu ne (short). Puuru e ikimashoo.
Q) Nara, what kind of place is it?
A) It is a good place, you know!
Q) Nara wa donna tokoro desuka.
A) ii tokoro desuyo.
Q) The company’s job, how is it?
A) It is interesting, you know!
Q) Kaisha no shigoto wa doo desuka.
A) Omoshiroi desuyo.
Japan trip not very is not expensive right.
Nihon ryokoo wa amari taka(kunai) desune.