moral decadence Flashcards
what is moral decadence about
moral laxity as the cause for romes failings
what was moral decadence written
who is moral decadence by
who is monaeses
parthian who attacked antony in 36bc
who is pacorus
a parthian who invaded syria killed in 38bc
who does ethiopians refer to
who is pyrrhus
king if epirus (greece) who tried invading italy in 208bc
who is antiochus
syrian king subjugated by the romans in 188bc
who are the sabine
an early italian tribe merged with rome after the rape of sabine women
what does the quote “you’ll still expiate your fathers sins till youve restored the temples” imply
-as time goes on each generation becomes more morally lax
- lack of care towards temples
- the romans must restore their religion for the gods to be satisfied and help them (pax deorum)
-fathers refers to recent and ancient events e.g. remus being killed by romulus was seen as kind of original sin
what does the quote ‘neglected gods have made many woes for sad italy’ imply
romans regard their empire as a reward for piety towards the gods it is possible for the gods to withdraw their support meaning that rome will lose military dominance which will lead to instability of the empire - broken pax deorum
what quote links to the parthian defeat of 53bc leading to the lapse in moral standards
already parthian’s Monaeses and Pacourus have crushed our inauspicious assults
what quote means parthia is not a military power that is meant to rival rome
added our spoils to their meagre treasures
what can be said about the quote ‘our age fertile in its wickedness’
horace uses juxtaposition and presents a shift in the poem the blame has now been shifted from the ancestors of rome to the current generation
what can be said about the quote ‘defiled the marriage bed’
rome is in desperate need of the leges iuliae
it’s a metaphor because marries women aren’t being loyal the gods are unhappy and haven’t granted the romans military success
morality inextricably linked with military success
what can be said about the quote ‘young girls take delight in learning greek dances’
young women are being corrupted by greek culture which is seen as wrongly luxurious
dancing was something that slaves women would do for the entertainment of their masters it has the implication of selling herself
the fact that the women is young shows that her parents are also either corrupt of complicit
what quote tells us that great soldiers cannot be made from umpire blood and references to the punic wars
the young men who stained the punic sea with blood they were not born of such parentage
how does horace end the poem
he calls the reader to undo the moral damage that has been done to rome and to re establish romes relationship with the gods