Mongol Flashcards
In the ______ (time), people called ________ burst forth from Central level.
What did they create?
In the 1200s a nomadic people called the Mongols burst forth from Central Asia to create the largest land empire in history.
Who were the Mongols?
How were the Mongols living?
Steppes too dry for farming, home of nomadic people
- Nomads relied on herds of domesticated animals
- Often traded; but also swept down on settlements, took what they wanted
What were the Mongols people like?
Fierce Warriors
- Like Huns, Turks, the Mongols emerged as powerful nomadic people
- Herded sheep, goats
- Skilled with horses
- Accustomed to living in harsh environment, competing for scarce resources
- Tough people, fierce warriors
How were the Mongol people divided?
Who are the leaders of the Mongols?
- Mongols divided into separate clans, each led by a khan, chief
- Khans rose to power through military skills, ability to lead
In 1206, a leader called ___________ emerged.
He was called ___________
Genghis Khan
“Universal Ruler”
What did Genghis Khan do?
How did he hold onto power?
- Set out to build empire, organized Mongols into powerful military machine
- Strict discipline, demanded loyalty, rewarded those who pleased him
What was Genghis Khan’s Campaign of Conquest?
- Mongol forces began bloody campaign of conquest; highly mobile armies
- Employed brutality, psychological warfare; burned towns, killed inhabitants
- Sent agents ahead to instill fear; soon people surrendered without a fight
How did Genghis Khan achieve a Mongol Empire?
- Genghis Kahn led Mongols in conquering much of Asia
- Mongols learned art of siege warfare, gunpowder in fights against Chinese, Turks
By time of Genghis Khan’s death, where did Mongol Empire control?
- At Genghis Kahn’s death, 1227, Mongols controlled much of northern China, Central Asia
- Sons, grandsons took up challenge of world conquest
How was Genghis Khan’s empire divided?
- Genghis Kahn’s empire divided into four khanates,
- heir ruled each region;
- new Great Khan ruled over whole empire
How did the Mongols empire rule?
What did they allow local people and culture to do?
The Mongol Peace
- Mongols built empire with brutality, ruled peacefully
- Tolerated local beliefs, ways of life, allowed local rulers to stay in power as long as they paid tribute to Mongols
Some Mongols adopted aspects of more civilized cultures;
What did Mongol Empire establish across Asia?
•Mongol Empire established peace, stability across Asia
This period of Mongol Peace was called ____________
•Some historians call period Pax Mongolica, “Mongol Peace”
How did Mongol Empire spread?
- Guarded trade routes across Asia,
- allowed trade to increase;
- people, goods, ideas flowed across Asia
What dynasty came after?
The Yuan Dynasty
In 1260, ________ became Great Kahn of Mongol Empire.
What was he determined to do?
- 1260, Kublai Khan became Great Kahn of Mongol Empire
- Determined to complete conquest of China begun in 1235
How did Kublai Khan create a dynasty?
- Mongols ruled northern China
- Southern Song dynasty ruled in south, fiercely resisted Mongols
- 1279, Song defeated; Kublai Khan created Yuan dynasty
How did Kublai Kahn rule China?
- As emperor, Kublai Khan tried to gain loyalty of Chinese subjects
- Adopted Chinese practices, gave dynasty Chinese name
What was the Mongol Identity under Kublai Khan?
- Kublai Khan tried to rule as Chinese emperor
- But took care to see Mongols not absorbed into Chinese culture
- Mongols lived apart from Chinese, had little in common
How was the relationship between Mongols and Chinese?
- Individual friendships between Mongols, Chinese discouraged
- Mongols forbidden to marry Chinese
- Different laws, taxes for Chinese; could not own weapons, serve in military
What power did the Chinese have under Kublai Khan’s rule?
Who held government office?
Limited Power
- Kublai Khan distrusted Chinese, limited power
- Chinese officials served at local level, could not hold high government posts
- Mongols invited foreigners to hold government office
How did the Mongols have money to do things?
What did they build across China?
- Mongols burdened Chinese with heavy taxes
- Large part of taxes supported public-works projects
- Chinese laborers built new roads, extended Grand Canal
How did the Mongols maintain peace across China?
- Mongols posted soldiers throughout China to keep peace
- Feared rebellions, particularly in south where many Chinese remained loyal to Song dynasty
How was the state of trade?
- Foreign trade increased
- Pax Mongolica made land travel safer for merchants
- Sea trade improved; foreign merchants welcomed to China’s ports