Aztec & Inca Flashcards
How did the Aztec empire rise?
How did it begin? They were subject of ________.
- Began as separate farming tribes
- Probably subject of the Toltecs
- Legend: settle where they saw an eagle on a cactus eating a snake
- Lived Mexico
The Aztecs began in Lake ___________.
Lake Texcoco
- A swampy island
- Site where legend says Aztecs saw eagle and snake
- Founded city of Tenochtitlán
- From here, continued rise to power
How did the Aztecs grow in power?
How did they rule people?
Conquering Warriors
- Aztecs gained strength in 1420s with alliance with other groups
- Alliance gained control over huge region
- Aztecs ruled 400 to 500 other city states, 5 million people
- Required conquered people to pay tribute
How did the Aztecs maintain wealth and strength?
What were tributes?
- Tribute paid in many forms, feathers, food, pottery, blankets
- Tribute was basis of economy
- Gained wealth and strength through trade as well
- System of roads aided trade of goods like jade, cacao
- Merchants also acted as spies for Aztec emperor
The capital city of Aztec empire was ________________.
Where is this located in present day?
- Capital city of Aztec empire
- Covered 5 square miles
- Population of about 200,000
- One of largest cities in world at time
- Site of present day Mexico City
What structures were in Tenochtitlán?
What was the heart of the empire?
- Pyramid with two temples on top
- Other temples, government buildings, palaces, a ball court
- Political and religious heart of the empire
The Aztecs build ___________ in middle of a lake.
How did this help the Aztec army?
Floating Gardens
Swampy island in middle of lake
Not much land for farming
Aztecs built floating gardens at city’s edge
Vendors paid tax to support army
How was the Aztec society organized?
Just as the economy of the Aztec Empire was highly organized, so was its society, with the
king at the top,
followed by priests.
What was society and religion like in Aztec?
Who were the main people?
- King was part of royal family, but had to be elected
- Lived in palace
- Certain nobles served as government officials
- Just below king were priests
–Interpreted calendars
–Performed religious ceremonies
What were Religious Ceremonies like?
- Believed gods needed blood
- Slaves used for sacrifices
- Certain warriors who captured victims also upper class
What were the other classes in Aztec society?
Other classes:
- Merchants, artisans wealthy, respected
- Merchants rich from trading
- Artisans important, made goods required for tribute
What were the lower classes in Aztec society?
Lower class
- Most were farmers, very poor
- Did not own their own land
- Paid so much in tribute, it was difficult to survive
How did the lower class improve their status?
Chance for improvement
- Farmers could become warriors or study
- All attended school until 15
- School led to work in government
Which class of people suffered the most in Aztec society?
- Suffered most in Aztec society
- Most had been captured in battle, or could not pay debts
- Some worked as farmers, laborers; some sacrificed
What were the Aztec achievements in art ?
- Aztecs known for achievements in art and science
- Artisans made bright feathers into headdresses, shields, costumes
- Metalworkers fashioned gold, silver, copper into jewelry, masks
- Stoneworkers decorated temples with elaborate statues
What were the Aztec achievements in science?
- Kept written records, though not as advanced as Mayan
- Composed poetry, riddles, historical accounts
- Used astronomy to create religious and solar calendars much like the Maya
How long did the Aztec empire last?
What brought it to an end?
•Aztec Empire lasted less than 200 years, brought to end by European contact, 1500s
The greatest empire in South America was the __________ empire
The Inca Empire
How did the Inca empire begin?
How far did it stretch?
- Brought entire South American region into one empire
- Began as small tribe
- Early 1500s, empire expanded along Pacific coast
What was the Inca government like?
- Period of rapid expansion
- Pachacuti used political alliances, military force
How did Inca rule its empire?
Ruling a large empire
- Incas needed strong government
- Emperor had most power
- Did not want conquered people to rebel
How did Inca empire create stability across the empire?
Creating stability
- Moved leaders of conquered areas out
- Moved loyal new leaders in
- Military used to protect against rebellion, external attacks
What was the Inca empire’s ECONOMY like?
- Strictly controlled by government
- Common people required to pay labor tax, called the mita
- Government told each household what work to do to pay tax
What was the MITA?
- Paid by weaving cloth, working on government farms, mines, building roads
- No merchants, goods distributed by government
- Extra food, goods stored in government warehouses for emergencies