Gupta empire Flashcards
In AD 320, who rose to power?
Then around AD 320, the Gupta dynasty took over northern India
The founder of Gupta empire was __________
How did he take over India?
Founder was Chandra Gupta I
• Chandra conquered neighboring lands
How did the Gupta empire rule all of India?
Who governed? How?
What did local rulers have to do?
Divided main part of empire into units
- Royal officials governed each unit
- Governed through local rulers in distant conquered areas
- Local rulers had to pay tribute
The empire peaked under ___________
the empire reached its height under Chandra Gupta II
How did Chandra Gupta II rule India?
Chandra Gupta II, ruled from AD 375 to 415
- Expanded empire, strengthened economy
- Reign was period of prosperity
- Described empire as rich, prosperous, and punishments fair
How did Gupta support Hinduism?
Support of Hinduism
- Under Guptas, Hinduism became main religion
- Built Hindu temples
- Buddhism began to lose influence
What grew during the Gupta empire?
How was the Indian civilization during Gupta empire?
Growth of Trade
- Indian civilization flourished during Gupta empire
- Trade increased, economy better
How did the Gupta empire rule all of India?
Who governed? How?
What did local rulers have to do?
Divided main part of empire into units
- Royal officials governed each unit
- Governed through local rulers in distant conquered areas
- Local rulers had to pay tribute
How did Chandra Gupta II rule India?
Chandra Gupta II, ruled from AD 375 to 415
- Expanded empire, strengthened economy
- Reign was period of prosperity
- Described empire as rich, prosperous, and punishments fair
How did Gupta support Hinduism?
Support of Hinduism
- Under Guptas, Hinduism became main religion
- Built Hindu temples
- Buddhism began to lose influence
What linked India to the outside?
What were traded?
- The Silk Roads linked India to other markets
- Indian merchants traded ivory, cashmere, cotton, spices for Chinese silk, Roman ceramics
The empire peaked under ___________
the empire reached its height under Chandra Gupta II
Where did trade spread?
How did Indian culture diffuse to outside?
- Traded actively by sea
- Indian sailors reached foreign markets across
- Played key role in cultural diffusion of Indian culture
What was used in daily life in India?
What was life like in India?
- Use of money became more common; new group of bankers, moneylenders emerged
- Luxury, pleasure for urban rich; enjoyed music, poetry, art
What was life like for the Gupta people?
How did villages get together?
- Most Gupta people led simple lives in small villages
- farmers
- Most villages self-sufficient, but trade between villages occurred
- People from different villages got together for religious festivals, other events
What was social structure like?
What did most people belong to?
Why was this important?
- Most people in ancient India belonged to specific caste
- Castes determined jobs, interaction with others
The founder of Gupta empire was __________
How did he take over India?
Founder was Chandra Gupta I
• Chandra conquered neighboring lands
What was the role of legal codes?
•Legal codes also defined people’s roles an proper behavior
What was the gender role in India?
- Men had more rights than women
- Patriarchal society (men in charge) similar to China
What was the laws of MANU?
- Female child subject to father, female youth to husband
- Men expected to treat women with respect
- Abused women could leave
Social structure was a pyramid at this time.
What were the 4 groups from top to bottom?
1) BHRAMIN - priests and academics
2) KSHATRYIA- warriors, kings
3) VAISHYA - merchants, landowners
4) SUDRA - commoners, peasants, servants
What group was at the very bottom of the social structure?
Outcase-Out of Caste, street sweepers, latrine cleaners
Why was the Gupta period a golden age?
The Gupta period was a golden age of cultural and scientific achievements
What was achievement in literature?
Sanskrit Literature
•Many great works created during Gupta period