module II Flashcards
smth such as a window shade or a Venetian blind that hinders vision or shuts out light
smth such as a window shade or a Venetian blind that hinders vision or shuts out light
plytelė, čerpė
a tile
A thin, flat slab of hard material such as baked clay or plastic, laid in rows to cover walls, floors, and roofs
a tile
a tile
a thin, flat slab of hard material such as backed clay or plastic, laid in rows to cover walls, floors, and roofs.
a cabinet
an upright, cupboardlike repository with shelves, drawers, or compartments for the safekeeping or display of objects
a cabinet
a cabinet
an upright, cupboardlike repository [saugykla; talpa] with shelves, drawers, or compartments for the safekeeping or display of objects
(of furniture) built to fit a particular space: a fitted cupboard
(of a room) equipped with fitted furniture: a fitted kitchen
a. (of furniture) built to fit a particular space: a fitted cupboard
b. (of a room) equipped with fitted furniture: a fitted kitchen
glazing (e.g. double glazing)
airy (airier, airiest)
a. open to or allowing in air; breezy or drafty - vėjų perpučiamas
b. Extensive in area or height; spacious - erdvus
open to or allowing in air; breezy or drafty
airy (airier, airiest)
extensive in area or height; spacious
to unwind by doing smth
to become free of nervous tension
to unwind by doing sth
to unwind by doing sth
to become free of nervous tension
dvaras, didžiulis namas
kambario butas; studija
a studio apartment
an apartment with a large living space and a bathroom and a small kitchen
a studio apartment
a studio aparment
an apartment with a large living space and a bathroom and a small kitchen
a one-room apartment typ. consisting of a combined bedroom and sitting room with cooking facilities; usu with shared bathroom
a one-room apartment typ. consisting of a combined bedroom and sitting room with cooking facilities; usu with shared bathroom
karkasinis namas
a prefab (prefabricated) house
a house assembled from components cut to size at a factory, or assembled from entire building modules shipped to the construction site
a prefab (prefabricated) house
a prefab (prefabricated) house
a house assembled from components cut to size at a factory, or assembled from entire building modules shipped to the construction site
butas per du aukštus
an apartment occupying two or more floors of a larger building and often having its own entrance from outside
an apartment occupying two or more floors of a larger building and often having its own entrance from outside
kilnojamas/mobilus namas
a mobile home
prabangus butas viršutiniame aukšte
a penthouse
an apartment on the top floor of a tall building, typically luxuriously fitted and offering fine views
a penthouse
a penthouse
an apartment on the top floor of a tall building, typically luxuriously fitted and offering fine views
gerai sutarti
to get on with smb
to have a pleasant relationship with someone
to get on with smb
to get on with smb
to have a pleasant relationship with someone
remontuoti, papuošti
to do smth up
to decorate or to fix
to do smth up
to do smth up
to decorate or to fix
a landlord/landlady
buto bendranuomininkas
a flatmate
a tenant
on the outskirts/in the suburbs
pačiame centre
in the heart of the city
galima pasiekti pėsčiomis
(to be ) within walking distance
pranešti prieš mėnesį/savaitę
to give a month’s/week’s notice
vėluoti sumokėti nuomą
to fall behind the rent
reikia sumokėti iš anksto
to be paid in advance
išnuomoti butą
to let a flat
išsinuomoti namą
to rent a house
pasirašyti nuomos sutartį
to sign a lease
paskola, įkeičiant nekilnojamąjį turtą
a mortgage
palūkanų norma
interest rate
derėtis dėl kainos
to negotiate the price
something that contributes to physical or material comfort
amenities. amenities offered by the hotel
something that contributes to physical or material comfort
a bathroom which is directly joined to the bedroom
an en suite bathroom
an en suite bathroom
a bathroom which is directly joined to the bedroom
perdarytas, pertvarkytas (ir noun)
converted, conversion
skatinti, reklamuoti
to promote
gerovė (+syn)
prosperity, wealth
suktis apie kažką
to revolve around smth e.g. Her life revolves around her career
svarbus (gyvybiškai) (6 words)
vital. syn. important, essential, key, significant, indispensable
trukdis, kliūtis
obstacle - barrier, hindrance, impediment
būti didžiausios svarbos
to be of utmost importance
subtilus, rafinuotas, švelnus (+syn)
subtle syn. delicate
būti patenkintam
to be content
amžių sandūroje
by the turn of the centuries
paskelbti nepriklausomybę
to declare independence
aukštas pragyvenimo lygis
high standards of living
židinio atbraila
a mantel ;; mantelpiece, mantelshelf, fireboard
the protruding shlef over a fireplace
a mantel ;; mantelpiece, mantelshelf, fireboard
a mantel
the protruding shelf over a fireplace
to gild-gilded/gilt
to cover with or as with a thin layer of gold
to gild-gilded/gilt
to gild-gilded/gilt
to cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold