Module 4 Flashcards
gauti didesnę algą
to get a pay rise
pamaininis darbas
shift work
dirbantis savo paties įmonėje
gauti ligos pašalpą
to receive a sick pay
turėti nedarbingumo pažymą dėl ligos
to be on a sick leave
motinystės/tėvystės atostogos
maternity/paternity leave
išmesti iš darbo dėl prasižengimų
to give the sack
atsistatydinti iš pareigų
to resign
someone who start their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity
an entrepreneur
an entrepreneur
an entrepreneur
someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity
valstybės tarnautojas
a civil servant
viešųjų ryšių specialistas
PR person (public relations)
an act of making people unemployed because there is no more work left for them to do
a layoff
trumpalaikis atleidimas iš darbo/prastova
a layoff
a layoff
an act of making people unemployed because there is no more work left for them to do
pareiškimas išeiti iš darbo/pranešti, kad atleidžiamas iš darbo po 2 savaičių
a notice/to give sb a two-week notice
atleisti iš darbo (pvz.: dėl etatų mažinimo)
to make redundant
atlyginimo lapelis
a pay slip
an extra benefit supplementing an employee’s money wage or salary, for example a company car, private healthcare, paid holidays etc.
fringe benefit(s)
papildomos naudos
fringe benefit(s)
fringe benefit(s)
additional compensation provided to employees above and beyond an agreed-upon wage or salary such as company car, medical insurance, paid holidays, pension schemes, subsidized meals
an amount of money that is paid to sb for selling goods and which increases the amount of goods that are sold
an amount of money that is paid to sb for selling goods and which increases the amount of goods that are sold
a regular increase in the amount of money that sb is paid for their job
increment/ to increment
prieaugis, padidėjimas (atlyginimo) / padidinti, pakelti (atlyginimą)
increment/to increment
increment/ to increment
a regular increase in the amount of money that sb is paid for their job
bedarbio pašalpa/gyventi gaunant bedarbio pašalpą
a dole/to be on a dole
išeiti į pensiją
to retire
a payment, profit or benefit received in addition to a regular wage or salary, especially when due or expected
perks (informal) - perquisite
perks(informal) - perquisite
perks (informal) - perquisite
a payment, profit, or benefit received in addition to a regular wage or salary, especially when due or expected
communicate ideas, feelings
to put across
perteikti, išaiškinti
to put across
to put across
communicate ideas, feelings
to increase the price of sth
to mark up
pakelti kainą
to mark up
to mark up
to increase the price of sth
a customer
a person/organization that buys sth from a shop/store/business
a person/organization that buys sth from a shop/store/business
a customer
a client
a person who uses the services or advice of a professional person or organization
a person who uses the services or advice of a professional person or organization
a client
darbinis išsekimas/nuovargis
a job burnout
an advancement
pakelti, padidinti, pagerinti
to boost (tourist numbers/economy/confidence)
atsitiktinai nugirsti/sužinoti
to get wind of sth
viršyti drąsiausias, slapčiausias svajones
to be beyond the wildest dreams
to make noticeable
to set sb apart from the crowd
išskirti iš minios/iš kitų
to set sb apart from the crowd
to set sb apart from the crowd
to make noticeable
to choose or distinguish from others
to single out
išskirti (iš minios)/išsirinkti
to single out
to single out
to choose or distinguish from others
patenkinti individualius poreikius
to meet individual needs of sb
varginantis ir sunkus
išlaidos, sąnaudos
a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or a prize, made from a longer list of people originally considered, and from which one person will be chosen
a shortlist
pasiekti, įgyvendinti tikslą/pasiekiamas, įgyvendinamas tikslas
to attain the goal/an attainable goal
siekti savo svajonių
to pursue one’s dreams
to constrain
puoselėti tikslą
to nurture an ambition
trokšti, siekti/troškimas, siekis
to aspire sth/aspiration
numatyti/įsivaizduoti save
to envisage oneself
paveldėtas/įgimtas gebėjimas
an inherent ability