Module 7 Flashcards
blizgučiai, smulkios puošmenos, niekučiai
bric-a-brac (e.g. The stores were packed wall to wall with antiques, novelties, furniture, restaurant equipment and bric-a-brac)
an extremely expensive shop
a high-end store
a high-end store
an extremely expensive shop
būti ekspozicijoje
to be on display
a receipt
atgauti pinigus už kažką
to get a refund
pradėti/pristatyti rinkai
to launch
a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected
a bargain
a bargain
a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected (e.g. the table was a real bargain)
ieškoti pigių, bet gerų pirkinių
to hunt for bargains
to try on
pirkti urmu
to buy in bulk
not working or made correctly, having defects
faulty (e.g. a faulty brake)
not working or made correctly, having defects
sugedęs/su defektais
great wealth or luxuriousness
opulence (e.g. She stared around her in awe at the sheer opulence of the room)
great wealth or luxuriousness
palūkanų norma
an interest rate
to take money out of an account (+ noun)
to withdraw (e.g. normally you can withdraw up to 50 pounds in cash)
to withdraw
to take money out of an account
to purchase/to make a purchase
a purchase
ATM machine (automated teller machine)
pasiimti paskolą
to take out a loan
transaction (e.g. a banking transaction)
transaction (e.g. a banking transaction)
transaction (e.g. a banking transaction)
padengti skolą
to clear a debt (e.g. When applying for a bank loan, customers may be required to prove their ability to clear the debt)
to pay someone an amount of money when you make an agreement with that person to pay for or buy something, that either will be returned to you later, if the agreed arrangement is kept, or that forms part of the total payment
to deposit
to deposit
to deposit
to pay someone an amount of money when you make an agreement with that person to pay for or buy something, that either will be returned to you later, if the agreed arrangement is kept, or that forms part of the total payment
a deposit
a payment, especially into a bank account
a deposit (e.g. To open an account, you need to make a minimum deposit of 500 pounds)
a payment, especially into a bank account
a deposit
to rummage
to search for sth by moving the things around carelessly and looking into, behind and under them
to search for sth by moving the things around carelessly and looking into, behind and under them
to rummage (e.g. She rummaged in/through all the drawers, looking for a pen)
a sale of mixed collection of things people no longer need or want, especially in order to make money for an organisation
rummage sale
rummage sale
a sale of mixed collection of things people no longer need or want, especially in order to make money for an organisation
palaimos viršūnė
to be one’s idea of heaven
a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term
a misnomer (e.g. It was the scruffiest place I have ever stayed in, so “Hotel Royal” was a bit of misnomer)
a misnomer
a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term
minia, spūstis, grūstis
a throng (of shoppers)
grūstis, (už)plūsti
to throng
ekonominis nuosmukis
economic decline
a permanently fixed piece of furniture in a house, such as a bath, that would not be taken by someone when moving to a new home
fixture (e.g. All fixtures and fittings are included in the house price)
fixture (e.g. All fixtures and fitting are included in the house price)
creating a special feeling, especially a mysterious or romantic feeling
atmospheric (place, light, etc.) (e.g. I quite like fog because it is atmospheric)
of high quality and lasting value, or showing the best and most typical characteristics of a particular type of thing, especially from the past
of high quality and lasting value, or showing the best and most typical characteristics of a particular type of thing, especially from the past
a plethora of sth
to jostle
to haggle over/about sth
švaistyti pinigus
to embark on a spending spree/to go on a spending spree
a warranty
a discount
to unveil
minia, pulkas
a drove (e.g. Fans came in droves to see her concert)
kurstymas, raginimas/kurstyti, raginti
instigation/to instigate (e.g. She only took up photography at the instigation of her mother)
extremely large
mammoth (e.g. a mammoth task / It’s a mammoth undertaking - are you sure you have the resources to cope?)
having or showing a keen interest or enthusiasm for sth
having or showing a keen interest or enthusiasm for sth
extremely large
bold, honest and frank
upfront (inf) (e.g. They were asked to support one another, to have conversations even when they were uncomfortable, and to be honest and upfront at all times.
bold, honest and frank
a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way
inhibition (e.g. to overcome one’s inhibitions)
a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way
To enjoy doing sth very much
get a real kick out of sth (inf) (e.g. I get a real kick out of shopping for new shoes. / This book is just the kind you like and you’ll get a real kick out of it.
get a real kick out of sth
To enjoy doing sth very much