module 3 II Flashcards
suvokimas, supratimas
an insight (into sth)
vandentiekio sistema
skersgatvis, siaura gatvele
an alleyway
a peasant
to abandon
to leave a place or person; not support anymore
high-tech industries
- using most advanced technologies, machines, etc.
- modern in appearance (high-tech design)
susidoroti su poreikiu
to cope with demand
most important, significant, famous
tu turn to sb (for help)
to break into a big time
to become very successful when you get involved in sth
isiregistruoti darbo birzoje
to sign on
siekti karjeros
to pursue a career (in)
kiaurai permirkti
to soak to the bone
to reach the peak of activity
to be in full swing
to be in full swing
to reach the peak of activity
a very small area of particular colour
a fleck
a very small piece of sth
a fleck
a fleck/ to fleck
1) a very small area of particular colour (His hair was dark, with flecks of gray)
2) a very small piece of sth (flecks of dust, foam)
made in sections that can be put together
prefabricated (esp. of a building)
(esp. of a building) made in sections that can be put together
to matter, to be important
to count
to count
to matter, to be important
a staging post
a place where people, planes, ships, etc. regularly stop during a long journey
a place where people, planes, ships, etc. regularly stop during a long journey
a staging post
a peninsula
piloto kabina
a cockpit
sugalvoti (ideja)
to come up with (an idea)
buti perdarytam i kazka
to be converted into sth.
an operating theatre
priesiskas, nedraugiskas
prognozuoti, ispranasauti
to forecast
to abandon
using most advanced technologies, machines, etc.
modern in appearance
most important, significant, famous
to become very successful when you get involved in sth
to break into a big time