Module E-09 Flashcards
A hypertonic state with increased deep tendon reflexes.
Weakness, laxness and softness of muscle that offer limited
resistance to passive movement.
Rhythmic palpable oscillations between flexion and extension
Monosynaptic Reflex (i.e., Deep Tendon or Myotatic Reflex)
- Afferent and efferent limbs are directly connected (one synapse)
Polysynaptic reflex
- Afferent and efferent limbs are connected via one or more interneurons
- multiple synapses involved
ex of Polysynaptic reflexes
- Pupillary light reflexes
- abdominal reflex
Components of Reflex Arcs
- Sensory receptor (e.g., muscle spindle, Golgi tendon organ, free nerve ending)
- Afferent axon
- Synapse on interneurons or efferent neuron (LMN)
- Neuromuscular junction
- Muscle
Components of Afferent LImb of Reflex
- Muscle spindles and Ia fibers
- Golgi tendon organs and Ib fibers
- Free nerve endings and Aδ fibers
Components of Efferent limb of Reflex
Alpha motor neurons, homonymous, synergist and antagonist muscles
Nature and Purpose of Deep Tendon Reflexes
- Passive stretching of muscle causes contraction.
- The reflex regulates muscle tone under modulation by upper motor neurons.
Muscle and segment being tested in Inspiration
Muscle: Diaphragm
Segment: C3,4,5 (keep the phrenic alive ;P)
Muscle and segment being tested in Shoulder Abduction
Muscle: Deltoid
Segment: C5
Muscle and segment being tested in Elbow Flexion
Muscle: Biceps Brachii, Brachialis
Segment: C5,6
Muscle and segment being tested in Wrist extension
Muscle: Extensor Carpi , Radialis Longus and Brevis
Segment: C6,7
Muscle and segment being tested in Elbow Extension
Muscle: Triceps Brachii
Segment: C6,7,8
Muscle and segment being tested in Finger Flexion
Muscle: Flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus
Segment: C8
Muscle and segment being tested in Finger abduction and adduction
Muscle: Interossei
Segment: C8,T1
Muscle and segment being tested in Thigh adduction
Muscle: Adductor longus and brevis
Segment: L2,3,4