Module C Flashcards
What layer of embryo does nervous system develop from?
What triggers neural induction?
interaction with the mesoderm
What does the neural tube form from?
Neural plate
Function of BMP in early neurogenesis
Suppresses neural differentiation and promotes the
formation of epidermal tissue
What is the Function of Chordin and Noggin?
- Block the action of BMP
- allow for a selection of ectodermal cells to form the neural PLATE
Where do the signalling proteins Chordin and Noggin come frm?
Henson’s node
At what time in embryogenesis does the neural plate form?
by 2 ½ weeks of development
Describe the development of neural tube.
1) Infolding of neural plate by changes in the shapes of
the cells of the neural ectoderm , pinching at apices and expanding their bases ( not increase in cell number)
2) beginning in the middle and moving both rostrally and caudally
A failure of the tube to close rostrally leads to ________
anencephaly (lack neocortex)
Failure of the tube to close caudally leads to _________
spina bifida (part of the meninges or spinal cord protrudes through the spinal column)
Where does the neural crest cells develop from?
pinches off from the margins of the neural groove as it closes to become the neural tube
What does the neural tube and neural crest cells form
Neurons and glial cells
What type of proteins do Homeobox genes encode?
Transcription factors
What part of the brain develop segmentally
Rhombencephalon aka hindbrain
What causes the segmentation in development of hindbrain
Several genes whose pattern of expression at early stages in development correlates with the segmental boundaries of the hindbrain
Where is the Homeobox located?
conserved stretch of DNA in Homeotic genes
What do Homeobox encode
encodes a sequence of 60 amino acids that recognize and bind to specific DNA sequences in a series of subordinate genes
Master control genes aka
Hox genes
Function of Hox genes in Vertebrate embryo
creating structures appropriate to a particular anterior-posterior position
_____ and _____ Hox genes in humans
emx and otx
Genetic abnormalities of emx develop _______
schizencephaly, (deep crevices in cortex)
Genetic defects in otx develop _______
what determines the pattern of Hox gene expression?
longitudinal gradient of retinoic acid
Where is Retinoic acid produced?
Henson’s node
Henson’s node equivalent in avian and mammalian embryos
Spemann organizer
How does retinoic acid effect Hox genes?
- activate transcription of Hox genes
- there are systematic differences in the sensitivity of different Hox genes to retinoic acid
How is the retinoic acid gradient established?
diffusion of retinoic acid from Hensen’s node establishes a gradient along the short length of the embryo
What is the floor plate?
a band of specialized cells, lies along the ventral midline of the spinal cord
Signals from the ______, induce ventral spinal cord characteristics
Notochord (lies ventral to neural tube)
Describe pattern established by notochord
- ventral midline of the spinal cord===> Floorplate
- Adjacent regions of the neural tube give rise to ===> motoneurons,
- more dorsal regions===> interneurons
- the most dorsal region===> neural crest
___________ protein produced by notochord to induce ventral development of neural tube
Sonic hedgehog
________ secreted by ectodermal cells dorsal to the developing spinal cord and it induces the specification of
cells that lie in the dorsal horn
BMP (yea really!!!)
Other groups of neurons induced by Sonic Hedge hog
- serotoninergic neurons in the anterior hindbrain,
- dopaminergic neurons in the posterior midbrain,
- oculomotor neurons in the anterior midbrain
Cells of the neural tube are oriented _______
Steps of cell proliferation.
1) Cell nucleus migrates to the tube’s inner or ventricular surface
2) The pial end of the cell detaches
3) The cell divides
4) The nuclei of the daughters migrate toward the outer surface as the cells reattach to that surface
How do neurons migrate?
along Radial Glia
Older cells are found closer to _________ surface
external or pial surface
Radial glia are brief lived during development but are still found in 2 locations in adults
1) adult retina as Muller cells
2) cerebellum as Bergman glia
What does Neuronal birthdating done with?
timed pulses of tritiated thymidine
Neuronal birthdating shows that the larger cells are _______
All neurons in the brain are born before birth with 2 exceptions:
1) Granule cells in the cerebellum
2) Olfactory neurons
Which proteins mediating neuronal migration along radial glia?
1) neural glycoprotein astrotactin
2) specific isoforms of the extracellular matrix adhesion molecule receptor integrin
How do GnRH neurons migrate into CNS?
Along axonal tracts;
moving from the olfactory pit, an ectodermal derivative (placode) that gives rise to the nasal
epithelium, into the hypothalamus
What causes Kallmann’s syndrome?
migration fails to occur during development as a result of malformation of the olfactory placode