Module 7 - Sampling in quantitative research Flashcards
Collecting data from a selection of
cases from the population.
The selected cases.
The whole
group of cases (or “units of analysis”) about which
you want to generalize, make general claims.
Sampling fraction
Which percentage of the
population are you going to select for your sample?
Sampling error
Bias due to differences between the whole population and a random sample from that population.
Sampling frame
The list of all units in the
Sampling bias
Distortion of representativeness because some units have a higher chance to be selected than others
Response rate
The proportion of selected people
who actually participate in the study
Non-response bias
Differences between
participants and non-participants.
Representativeness of a sample
to what extent do the
characteristics of the units in the sample and the population differ?
Probability sample
Each element (person, unit,
case) in the population has a certain, known chance
to be selected for the sampl
Random sample
Each element has the same chance of
being selected
Nonprobability sample
the chance is unknown;
it is impossible to calculate the chance.
Simple random sampling
Give all elements in your sampling frame a number and subsequently some numbers are drawn randomly.
Systematic sampling
* You have a list with 1,000 addresses, and you want
a sample of 100 addresses.
* This means you need 10% (sampling fraction): 1
address out of every 10 addresses.
* Choice a random number from 1-10.
* Suppose this number turns out to be 3 → select
address 3, 13, 23, 33, 43 etc.
Stratified random sampling
Suitable when the population consists of different
groups (strata) that…
– Differ from each other.
– Are internally relatively homogeneous.
* In this case, you could:
– Divide the population in groups.
– Draw simple random samples of each group.