Module 7 Flashcards
Accumulated facts, knowledge, and skills, CRYSTAL CLEAR
Requires reasoning, abstract, and critical thinking
(General Intelligence)
-Single factor of intelligence (G factor)
-Generally smart across the board academically
-Smart in one area, smart in another
-Book smarts
(Primary Mental Abilities)
7 Factors of Mental Abilities
Independent of eachother
-Word Fluency
-Verbal Comprehension
-Spatial Reasoning
-Perceptual Speed
-Numerical Ability
-Inductive Reasoning
(Triarchic Intelligence)
Three types of Intelligence
-Critical thinking
-Come up with new ideas
-Use knowledge and skills appropriately
-Real-world application
(Multiple Intelligences)
Logical- Mathematical
-Numerical Patterns
-Critical Thinking
-Word Smart
-Speaking and writing
-Rhythm, Pitch, Tones
-Good with maps, charts, graphs, puzzles, 3-D Rotations
-Body Control, Movement
-People Smart
-Good Communication Skills
-Self Smart, Self Aware
-Nature and Environment Smart
What is an Instructional Strategy for the Behavioral Learning Theory?
Direct Instruction
-Overview (What we are going to learn)
-Scripted, Lecture
-Breakdown complex skills into small parts
-Provide Practice
-Provide feedback and corrections
-Determine mastery
What is an Instructional Strategy for the Behavioral Learning Theory?
Classical Conditioning (Pavlov)
-Unconditioned stimulus
-Unconditioned response
-Neutral stimulus
-Conditioned Responses
What is an Instructional Strategy for the Behavioral Learning Theory?
Operant Conditioning (Skinner)
-Positive Reinforcement
-Negative Reinforcement
Why do we focus and use the behavioral learning theory?
-Teacher Directed
-Basic skills and mastery
-Behavior modification
-B.F. Skinner
Why do we focus and use the constructivist learning theory?
-Building on prior knowledge
-Interactive learning
What are some instructional strategies for The Constructivist Learning Theory?
-Constructs own meaning from experiences
-Active learner, takes charge of own learning
-Real world, authentic learning
-Multiple view points
-Social interaction, learn from others
-Zone of Proximal development (ZPD)
-Project-based learning
-Inquiry based learning
What are some instructional strategies for The Constructivist Learning Theory?
Cooperative Learning
-Teacher led
-Mixed ability groups
-Structured activity
-Focus on the products or task of learning
What are some instructional strategies for The Constructivist Learning Theory?
Collaborative Learning
-Student Led
-Same or similar ability groups
-Explore a significant question
-Focus on the process of learning
Why do we focus and use the Humanistic Learning Theory?
-Feelings and emotions
-Growth mindset
What are some instructional strategies for The Humanistic Theory?
Deficiency Needs
-Love and belonging
What are some instructional strategies for The Humanistic Theory?
Growth Needs
-Safe welcoming environment
-Clear Expectations
-Explain the “Why”
-Courtesy, respect
-Check Ins
-Student Choice
-Promote interest and engagement
-Fun, exciting, creative
What are some instructional strategies for The Humanistic Theory?
Intrinsic Motivation (inside)
-You like it
-Makes you happy :)
What are some instructional strategies for The Humanistic Theory?
Extrinsic Motivation (outside)
Why do we focus and use the Information Processing Theory?
-Metacognitive knowledge
What are some instructional strategies used for The Information Processing Theory?
-Sensory Memory
-Working Memory
-Long Term Memory
-Explicit Memory (Must work to remember)
-Implicit Memory(Automatic, Effortless)
-Attention Getting Devices (Costumes, Jokes)
-Mnemonic Devices (ROYGBIV= Colors of the Rainbow)
-Concept Maps
-Trivia or Jeopardy Games
Why do we focus and use The Social Cognitive Learning Theory?
-Metacognitive Skills
What are some instructional strategies used for The Social Cognitive Learning Theory?
-Self Efficacy (Belief in your abilities)
-Emulate, Imitate
-Reciprocal teaching
-Self Regulation