Module 1 Flashcards
What is the 1st stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Physiological (Basic physical needs for survival)
What are the basic physical needs for survival in Maslow’s 1st stage of Hierarchy of Needs?
-Things your body needs
-Food, Snacks
What is the 2nd stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Safety (Provide protection and security)
What things are needed to provide safety in Maslow’s 2nd stage of Hierarchy of Needs?
-Not being Bullied
What is the 3rd stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Love & Belonging
(Involves relationships)
What is needed to provide love & belonging in Maslow’s 3rd stage of Hierarchy of Needs?
-Being part of a group
- Sharing
-Encouraging one another
What is the 4th stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Esteem (Respect and Admiration)
What is needed to provide esteem in Maslow’s 4th stage of Hierarchy of Needs?
-Your achievements
- Recognition
- Reputation
- Pride
-Being Respected
-Feeling Special
What is the 5th Stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
(Reaching your fullest potential)
What is needed to provide Self Actualization in Maslow’s 5th Stage of Hierarchy of Needs?
-Personal Growth
-Achieving your ideal self
-Sound mental health
-Acceptance of self and others
-Feeling fulfilled
Addition from Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs
-Intellectual Exportation
Addition from Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs
-Beauty and Balance
-Artistic Pursuits
Addition from Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs
-Meeting Spiritual Needs
-Helping others achieve self-actualization
Stage 1 of Physical Development
(Birth- 2 years)
(Babies and Toddlers)
What physical developments should infants be able to achieve?
-Hold up heads
-Roll Over
-Reach for things
-Begin to Walk
-Increased Coordination
-Manipulate objects with hands
What physical developments should toddlers by the age of 2, be able to achieve?
-Feed themselves with hands
-Jump & run awkwardly
-Throw Ball
-Use Zipper
-Make tower of Blocks
Stage 2 of Physical Development
Early Childhood
(Ages 2-6)
(Preschool/Kinder/Primary School)
What physical developments should toddlers be able to achieve?
-Love to run
-Fine motor skills developing
-Can string beads
-Do jigsaw puzzles
What physical developments should toddlers be able to accomplish by the age of 4?
-Print name
-Dress and undress self
-Eat with utensils
Stage 3 of Physical Development
Middle Childhood
(Ages 6-10)
(Primary School/Elementary School)
What physical developments should children 6-10 be able to accomplish?
-Slow, steady weight gain
-Speed and Coordination improve
-Begin organized sports
-Refinement of fine motor skills
-Improved handwriting
-Drawing more representational
Stage 4 of Physical Development
(Ages 10-18)
(Middle School/High School)
What physical development’s should children 10-18 be able to accomplish?
-Rapid Growth (3-5 inches)
-Girls begin puberty earlier
-Boys grow taller
-Boys more muscular
-Girls physical growth slow
-Boys physical growth continues
-Reach sexual maturity