Module 4 Flashcards
What is stage 1 of the Language Development Expectations?
Birth to 1 Years
What takes place in the 1st stage of the Language Development Expectations?
-Recognizes voices, sounds, music
-Giggles and laughs
-Recognizes Name
-Says single words for common items
-Points to common objects
What is stage 2 of the Language Development Expectations?
One to Two Years
What takes place in the 2nd stage of the Language Development Expectations?
-Puts two words together
-Points to body parts
-Follows simple directions (Roll the ball, kiss the baby)
-Responds to simple questions (Who’s that? Where’s your shoe?)
-Names pictures in books
-Listens to simple stories, songs and rhymes
What is stage 3 of the Language Development Expectations?
Two to Three Years
What takes place in the 3rd stage of the Language Development Expectations?
-Has a word for most everything
-Uses 2-3 word sentences
-Understands opposites (go-stop, big-little, up-down)
-Follows 2 part directions
-Understands new words quickly
-Talks about things that are not in the room
What is stage 4 of the Language Development Expectations?
Three to Four years
What takes place in the 4th stage of the Language Development Expectations?
-Uses 4-5 word sentences
-Answers simple who, what, where, when or how questions
-Says rhyming words
-Uses some plurals
-understands words for basic colors
-Understands words for basic shapes
-Understands words for family members
-Responds when you call from another room
What is stage 5 of the Language Development Expectations?
Four to Five years
What takes place in the 5th stage of the Language Development Expectations?
-Understands words for order or sequence (First, Next, Last)
-Understands words for time (Yesterday, today, tomorrow)
-Follows longer or multi-step directions
-Follows classroom instruction (Draw a circle around….)
-Uses sentences that have more than one action verb
-Tells a short story
-Keeps a conversation going
What is a part of Chomsky’s Language Development Theory?
-Language Acquisition Device (LAD): People are born with innate, instinctive, biological ability to learn language
-Universal Grammar:All languages have structures, patterns, and rules (grammar)
What is a part of Skinner’s Language Development Theory?
(Operant Conditioning)
-Children learn language based on reinforcement
-Associating words with meanings
-Learn language through Imitating, Prompting, Shaping
-Correct utterances are positively reinforced
Motherese Positive Reinforcement
What is a part of Vygotsky’s Language Development Theory?
(Social Cultural approach to learning language)
-Language develops through social interaction
-Culture plays a role in language development
-Children need interpersonal interactions with others
-Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
-More knowledgable other (MKO)
Stage 1 of Language Development
Babbling Stage
(Birth - 11 months)
What happens in stage 1 of Language Development?
-Starts to recognize speech
-Can form sounds
-Consonant- vowel combinations (Ba-ba, Ma-Ma, Gi-Gi)