Module 6.4 Flashcards
What are clones
Clones are genetically identical organisms or cells .
what is vegetative propagation
reproduction from vegetative parts of a plant - usually an over wintering organ
how are clones produced
clones are produced by asexual reproduciton in which the nucleus is divided by mitosis .
-Mitosis creates two identical copies of the DNA ,w hich are then separated into two geneticlaly idetical nuclei before he cell divides to fom two genticlaly idential cell .
advantages of natural cloning part one
if the conditions for growth are goof for hte parent , theyw ill aloso be good for the offspirng
advanatges of natural cloning 2
cloning is relatively rapid - so the population can increase quicky to take advanatage of the suitble environment onditions .
advanatges of natural clonign 3
reproduction can be carried out , even if there is on one parent and sexual reproduction is not possible
disadvantages of natural cloning
offspirng may become over crowded
disadvanatges of natueal cloning 2
no genetic diversity
disadvanatges of natural cloning 3
the population shows little variation
disadvantages of natural cloning4
the selection is not possible
disadvanatges of natural cloning 5
if the environment changes to be less advanatageous the hwole population is suscpetible .
what are rubbers or stolen
more plants grow horizontal stems that can form roots at certian points . if they grow on the surface on the growud
what ae rhizoomes
if they re udnergodud
-sime are rhizozomes are adapted , s thickcened over wintering organs from which one or more new stems will grow in the spring .
what are suckers
suckers are new stems from the roots of plant - these may be close to the base n older stem or could be distanced away . In all cases , the original horizontal branch may di ,leving the new stem as a separat indivudal .
what are bulbs
they are an over-wintering mechansisms for many perennial moncotuledoous plnts . BUlbs consist of an underground stem from which grow a series of fleshy leaf bases .
what apixla buds
which will grow into a new plant in the spring . OFTEN , a bulb contains mroe than one apical bud a dn each will grow into new pl .
what are corms
corms are often mistaken for bulbs , HOwever , corms are solid rather than fleshy like a bul .
-A CORM , is an underground stem with scaly leaves , nd buds . Corms remain in the ground over witner , In the spring the buds grow to produc on or more new palns
what are leaves
the kalanchoe plant reproduces asexually , , as clones foew on rhe leaf margins , the immature plants drop off the leaf and take root .
what are tubers
mammals clone when idneitical twins are formed . THIS IS WHEN A FERTILISED EGG (ZYGTOWE) divides as normal , but the two daughter cells then split to become two separate cells . ERach cell gorws and evelop into a new idnviidual .
what are micropropagation
growing large numbers , of new plants , from meristem , tissue taken from a sample plant .
what is tissue culture
growing new tissues , organs or palnts from certain tissues cuts from a sampel plant .
what i the way of cutting stem overview
to make a cutting , a stem is cut betwee two elaf joints . (NODES ) , the cut end of the stem is then palced in mosit soil . new roots will grow from the tissues int he stem 0 usually from the node , but they amy grow from other parts of th eburied sem
what to do if a plant does not take root easily
-other plants ma need further treatment
-Dipping , the cut stem , in rooting hormone helps to stimulate , root frwoth .
-It may also be helpfl to wound or remove the bark from the cut en dof the stem as this encourgaes the plant to produce CALLUS .
First place cutting can taje place
root cuttings in which a section of root is buried just below the soil surface and produces new shoots .
second place cuttings can take place
scion cuttings , which are dormant woody twigs .
third place cutting can take plce
leaf cuttings , in hwich a leaf is placed on moist soil . The leaves , develop new steams and new roots , Some leves my produce many new plants from one cutting .
what conditios is tissue culture carried out in
tissue culture is a techianue used to grwo a SMALL SAMPLE of ells or tissues . IT IS CARRIED OUT in a nutrient medium under sterile conditios .
-THE APPLICANTS OF PLANTS , growth usbtances at the correct , tie can encouage the cells in the growin tissue to differentiate .
microprogaation step one
suitable plant mterial is selected and cut into small peices . These re called explants . Explants , could be tiny pieces of leaf , stem , root or bud . Mmeristems , tissue is often used as this is always free from virus infection .
micropropagation step two
the expalnt are sterilised using diulte blech or alcohol . This is essential to kill any bactieria and fungi , as these would thrive in the conditions supplied to help the plant grow well .
micropropagation 3
the explants are placed on sterile growth medium , contining suitable nutrients , such as glucose , amino acids and phospahtes .
-The gel also contains high concnertations of the plant growth substanes , auxin , cytokinin .
-THIS STIMULATES , THE CELLS OF EACH explant , to dividie by mitotisis to forma allus ( mass o undifferentiaited totipotent vlles ) .
micropropagation 4
once a callus has fomred , it is divided to produce a larger number of smaller clumps of undifferentiited cells .
microprogaation 5
these small clumps , of cells are stimulated to grow ,, ddivide and differentiaite into different plant tissues .
-This is achieved by omving the cells to different rowth media .
-EACH medium , contins different ratios auxin and cytokin
micropropagation 6
once tiny plantelets have been formed , these are transferred to greenhosue to be grown in compost or soil and acclimatised to nromal growing palnts .
advantages of articial cloning
cloning is a reltive rapid method , of producing new plants comapred with growing plnts from seed .
advantages of artificial cloning 2
cloning can be carried ou where sexual reproduction is not possible .
-Plants , that have lost thier abilitiy to breed sexually , can be reproduced . for example commercially gorwn bananas , PLANTS THAT RE HARD TO GROW FROMS EED CAN BE REPRODUCED ,
advantages of artifical cloning 3
the plant selected will all be genetically idenitcal to the parent plant . The will therefore display the same desirable chaarcterisitcs , such as high yield resitnce to a common pest or disease or apartciular coour or flwoer .
advanatges of artificial clonin g 4
if the original plant had an unusual combination og characteristics due to sleective breeding or genetic ., modification , then this combination cn be retained without the risk of losign the combinaiton through sexual reproduction .
advantages of artifical cloning 5
the new plants are all uniform in thier phenotpes , which makes them easier to grow and harvest /
advanatges of artificial cloning 6
using the apical bud as an explant for tissue culture ensures the new plants are free from viruses .
disadvanatges of artificial cloning
tissue culture , is labour intensive
disadvantages of artifical cloning 2
it is expensive to set up the facilitites to perform tissue culture successfully .
disadvanatges of artificial cloning 3
tissue culture , can fail due to micorbial contmainaito
disadvanatages of articial cloning 4
all the cloned offspring , are geneticlly idenitcal and re therefore susceptivle to the sme pest nd or disease .
-CROPS grown in monocultures , allow rapid spread of a disease or pest betwen the closel planted crop plnts .
disadvantages of artificial cloning 5
there is no egentic variation excep tthat introudced by mutation .
what is embryo twinning
splitting an embryo to create two genetically identical embryos .
what is enucleeation
removal of the cells nucleus
somatic cell nuclear transfer
a technique that invovles transferring , rhe nucleus from a somatic cell to an egg ce; /
why do cells hve to b totipotent
such cells can dviid nd differentiite into all types of clel foun in the adult organissm . In animals the only truly totipoen cells are very earl embryo cells /
one reason why reproductive cloning can be usueful
for exmaple , a aprticulary goo didnivudal bull whoe vlaue is as a stud - supplying sperm for artifical insemination .
second reason why reproductive cloning can be useful
genetically modified animals , developed with unusual characerisitcs , for exmape , goats that produce spider silk in their milk and cows that rpoduce less methane .the
he two main rehxniques to achieve reproductive cloning
-emvyro twinnning
embryo splitting
mammals , can produce idneital offspirngs , if an embryo veru early in development . This procss gives rise to an IVF .
A zygtote ffertilsied egg by ivf
the zygote , is alloed to divide by mitosis to form a small ball of cells .
The cells are separated and allowed to continue dividing .
each small mass of cells is placed into the uterus of a surrogate mother .
scnt 1
an egg is obtianed and its nucleus is removed known as enucleaiton .
scnt 2
a nromal body cell (somtic cell ) , from the adult to be clones is isoalted and may havve the nucelus removed .