Module 6 : Security And Safety Flashcards
Individuals who launch attacks against other users and their computers
Script kiddies
Individuals who want to attack computers, but lack the knowledge of computers and network needed to do so
Attackers who are strongly motivated by principles or beliefs
Attack a nation’s computer networks, like the electrical power grid to cause disruption and panic among citizens
Nation state actors
Serious threat to companies that come from their own employers, contractors and business partners
Data mining
Process of sorting through extremely large sets of data to uncover patterns and establish relationships
Electronic waste that are thrown away and end up in a landfill
SEM actions steps
(See picture)
Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
Aches and pains associated with repeated and long-term usage of the devices
Applied science that specifies the design and arrangement of items that you use so that you and the items interact efficiently and safely
Techology addiction (risk to behavioural health)
When the user is obsessed with using a technology device and cannot walk away from it without feeling extreme anxiety
Cyberbullying (risk to social health)
Bullying that takes place on technology devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets using online social media platforms, public online forums, gaming sites, text messaging or email
Involves the use of technology to stalk another person through email, text messages, phone calls and other forms of communication
Malicious software that can delete or corrupt files and gather personal information.
Software programs that attackers use to enter a computer system without the user’s knowledge or consent and then perform an unwanted and harmful action
Malicious computer code that, like its biological counterpart, reproduces itself on the same computer
Malicious program that uses a computer network to replicate
Malware that hides inside another program, often one downloaded from the web
Prevents a user’s device from properly and fully functioning until a fee is paid
Address spoofing
An attack that changes the device’s address settings
Social engineering
Category of attacks that attempt to trick the victim into giving valuable information to the attacker
Sending an email or displaying a web announcement that falsely claims to be from a legitimate enterprise in an attempt to trick the user into giving private information
False warning, often contained in an email messgae that pretends to come from a valid source like the company’s IT department
Unwanted email messages sent from an unknown sender to many email accounts, usually advertising a product or service such as interest loans