Module 6: Determining Learning Needs Flashcards
Based on student characteristics, the candidate determines learning needs to inform instructional decisions.
What instructional needs do students with cognitive barriers often experience?
-Support with organization
-Support with routines and procedures
-Repetition of directions
-Extended time on assignments and assessments
-Positive behavioral supports and nonpunitive approaches
-redirection and de-escalation of challenging behaviors in order to facilitate learning.
-Supports for memory
-Communication support
What support can you give for those with social and emotional barriers?
-Clear expectations
-Low-stress environment
-Positive reinforcement
What support can you give those with learning needs, emotions and relationships?
-Needs structure
-Clear expectations
-Low-stress environment
-Positive feedback
What support can you give those with physical development/learning barrier needs?
-Extended time on tests
-Positive and non-punitive supports for behavior
-Logistical and material support such as food, transportation, and clothing
-Assistive technology
-Mobility supports and accessible environments
-Access to braille, captioning, and hearing system where needed
-Trauma-sensitive teaching